sabato 16 maggio 2015

FileMaker Pro 14: The Missing Manual

FileMaker Pro 14: The Missing Manual
Contenuto dell'eBook:

You don’t need a technical background to build powerful databases with FileMaker Pro 14. This crystal-clear, objective guide shows you how to create a database that lets you do almost anything with your data so you can quickly achieve your goals. Whether you’re creating catalogs, managing inventory and billing, or planning a wedding, you’ll learn how to customize your database to run on a PC, Mac, web browser, or iOS device.

The important stuff you need to know:
  • Dive into relational data. Solve problems quickly by connecting and combining data from different tables.
  • Create professional documents. Publish reports, charts, invoices, catalogs, and other documents with ease.
  • Access data anywhere. Use FileMaker Go on your iPad or iPhone—or share data on the Web.
  • Harness processing power. Use new calculation and scripting tools to crunch numbers, search text, and automate tasks.
  • Run your database on a secure server. Learn the high-level features of FileMaker Pro Advanced.
  • Keep your data safe. Set privileges and allow data sharing with FileMaker’s streamlined security features.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "FileMaker Pro 14: The Missing Manual" di Susan Prosser e Stuart Gripman, edito da O'Reilly Media, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 19,66 e come libro tradizionale anche su al prezzo di Euro 31,11.

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