sabato 16 maggio 2015

Mastering Excel Macros: PowerPoint Automation - Book 7

Mastering Excel Macros: PowerPoint Automation - Book 7
Contenuto dell'eBook:

This lesson continues with the topic of object variables. In this lesson you will create an object variable that represents not a cell, not a workbook but PowerPoint. This functionality is called Automation. You will then learn to write a macro that lets you control PowerPoint from Excel. The lesson exercise includes a sample certificate built in PowerPoint. You will programmatically take information from Excel and put it in PowerPoint. This exercise can be altered to work with any other existing PowerPoint presentation.

This lesson comes with several follow along workbooks that you can use to work through the exercises as you read the lesson.

NOTE: To work through this lesson you must have PowerPoint installed on your PC.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Mastering Excel Macros: PowerPoint Automation - Book 7" di Mark Moore è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 2,99.

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