giovedì 21 maggio 2015

The Andy Guide to Windows 10

The Andy Guide to Windows 10
Contenuto dell'eBook:

Windows 10 is coming, and soon.

There are significant changes in this new Microsoft operating system, including obvious changes to the interface and less visible technical improvements. Are you ready?

For those of you with a new Windows 10 device, or those of you thinking of upgrading an earlier version of Windows to Windows 10, what’s in it for you? This book seeks to answer that question, and provide you with the skills necessary to use, configure and maintain the latest client operating system from Microsoft.

Written in clear, easy to understand language with step-by-step instructions on how to perform typical tasks, chapters include:
  • Introducing Windows 10
  • Navigating the Interface
  • Connecting to the Internet
  • Customising Windows
  • Working with Apps
  • Security
  • Connecting Peripherals
  • Troubleshooting and Recovery

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "The Andy Guide to Windows 10" di Andy Warren, edito da The Scribbler (DOTBIZ) Ltd, è in vendita in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 4,36.

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