venerdì 12 novembre 2010

Adobe After Effects CS5 Digital Classroom

Contenuto del volume:

This video and full-color book combo has quite an effect for learning After Effects CS5! Adobe After Effects is a leading motion graphics and visual effects program that allows you to create and deliver compelling motion graphics and visual effects.

This full-color book-and-DVD package gets you quickly up to speed using the capabilities of the newest release of After Effects and deciphers even the most complex After Effects tasks. Sixteen self-paced lessons explain how to edit and apply effects for stellar visual and special effects.

The complementary lessons featured on the DVD are each approximately five minutes long and demonstrate the concepts and features covered in the lesson.
  • Escorts you through the basics of editing and applying motion graphics and visual effects with Adobe After Effects CS5
  • Deciphers even the most advanced After Effects tasks and makes them less intimidating
  • Features full-color, step-by-step tutorials on the DVD that complement the topics covered in each lesson of the book
  • Encourages you to absorb each lesson at your own pace Jam-packed with information, this book and DVD is just like having your own personal instructor guiding you through each unique lesson.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Adobe After Effects CS5 Digital Classroom" di AGI Creative Team - Jerron Smith, edito da John Wiley and Sons Ltd, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 33,48.

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