domenica 28 novembre 2010

Pages for iPad: Visual QuickStart Guide

Contenuto del volume:

Visual QuickStart Guides, designed in an attractive tutorial and reference format, are the quickest, easiest, and most thorough way to learn applications, tasks, and technologies. The Visual QuickStart Guides are the smart choice--they guide the learner with a friendly and supportive approach. The visual presentation (with copious screenshots) and focused discussions by topic and tasks make learning a breeze and take you to exactly what you want to learn.

The iPad, with its spacious screen and powerful collection of apps, is the perfect device for creating content. You can build powerful presentations, design beautiful layouts, and create dynamic charts and tables. In this book, readers will get clear and to-the-point instruction on how to create all kinds of documents--including newsletters, reports, brochures, and flyers and get the most out of Pages for the iPad.

Readers will learn to:
  • Install the Pages app.
  • Understand the layout tools and move graphics around, drag to resize photos, rotate shapes, and more.
  • Work with Apple-designed templates.
  • Share the documents you create in Pages.
  • Work with Microsoft Word and PDF documents.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Pages for iPad: Visual QuickStart Guide" di Nolan Hester e Peachpit Press, edito da Pearson Education (US), è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 13,38.

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