giovedì 25 novembre 2010

Your Ableton Live Studio

Contenuto del volume:

Your Ableton Live Studio gives you the information you need to set up your own home or project studio using Ableton Live as your digital audio workstation (DAW). You'll learn how to decide which system is best for you and learn to install, set up, and use Ableton Live software with your Mac or PC.

Your Ableton Live Studio will help you decide what kind of studio you need, where to put it, how to make it sound better, and how to furnish it with the right gear. You'll also learn to record, mix, use plug-ins, edit audio, hook up external MIDI devices, and record or edit MIDI in Ableton Live.

The book also focuses on how Live is different from many other DAWs, and how it can be physically played in both a studio and live environment. Your Ableton Live Studio is a thorough, practical, yet compact introduction to the complex world of professional audio. It's just what you need to get started today, whether you plan to pursue music as a hobby or as a profession.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Your Ableton Live Studio" di Chris Buono, edito da Cengage Learning, Inc, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 20,08.

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