mercoledì 17 novembre 2010

Organise Your Life

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How many important documents do you need to keep safe? Drivers license counterparts, car insurance, home insurance, birth certificates and mortgage agreements are just a few. The Personal Records Organiser is just what you need to help you store all your crucial information in a safe, secure and accessible way. Simply and effectively, this comprehensive book will help you create an electronic database of all your most important documents, telling you exactly what you need to keep, what documents you should pull together, which pictures to collate and how to keep them all in the most logical way, saving you time and bother.

The book comes complete with a free CD, which contains the software for a database to manage copies of all your documents, passwords and the likes. The system can be locked with password protection for security, and is easy to back up onto external media so you will have a copy of your records in event of a complete disaster.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Organise Your Life" di Reader's Digest, edito da David & Charles, è in vendita anche su

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