domenica 7 novembre 2010

Take Your iPad to Work, 1st Edition

Contenuto del volume:

Take Your iPad To Work is the first book to focus on the usability of the Apple iPad as a business device. It examines device features, the best applications available for business users, such as printing, on-line meetings, content creation and cutting-edge information tools, and productive ways to use them.

The iPad has a robust application set with a large number of ways it can be used in business, but its potential as a business tool has been largely unexplored. This book discusses a range of business tasks, organized by general business type. After an overview of basic device features, there is a section devoted to general business tasks, then sections on retail, small business, and enterprise use.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Take Your iPad to Work, 1st Edition" di Brian Proffitt, edito da Cengage Learning, Inc, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 16,73.

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