domenica 28 novembre 2010

iPhone Photography & Video For Dummies

Contenuto del volume:

Get the most out of your iPhone's camera and video capabilities with this full-color reference! The iPhone's integrated camera is ideal for snapshots and video on the go. Written by a professional photographer and Mac expert, this handy, full-color guide shows you how to get the most out of your iPhone camera's capabilities. Packed with easy-to-understand coverage on how to shoot and edit great photos and video, this For Dummies book is here to help you take advantage of even the most impromptu photo opportunity.
  • Walks you through the exciting capabilities of the iPhone's integrated camera
  • Shows you how to get the most from the iPhone's functionality
  • Reviews the best iPhone applications for improving and enhancing your photos and acquiring must-have iPhone photography accessories
  • Explains how to set up photos, use available lighting, enhance photos digitally, and share photos

iPhone Photography For Dummies features fun and friendly tips and helpful advice on accessories so that you can make your good iPhone photos and video great.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "iPhone Photography & Video For Dummies" di Angelo Micheletti, edito da John Wiley and Sons Ltd, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 14,73.

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