sabato 13 novembre 2010

Best Digital Brushes for Photoshop

Contenuto del volume:

When you are working in Photoshop, the choice of brush effects for artwork and rendering is vast. What's more, each brush option can be configured in dozens of different ways, according to features like angle, spacing, size jitter, or scatter.

Best Digital Brushes for Photoshop takes the guesswork out of the selection process with accurate reproduction of more than 4,000 digital brush selections and settings with clear instructions on how to recreate them. This not only saves time, it also offers an instant range of creative options you may never have considered.

This book also provides you with a chance to brush up on your software skills with a techniques section showing you how to get the most out of digital brush features, along with hints, tips, and shortcuts for more experienced users.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Best Digital Brushes for Photoshop" di Susannah Hall, edito da Pearson Education (US), è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 30,13.

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