Trick out your iPhone 4S or iPhone 4! You already know how to do everyday things with your iPhone--make calls, take photos, enjoy music and movies, and play games. Now it's time to take your iPhone to the next level and turn it into your home recording studio, professional-quality video camera, and full-scale computer for both business computing and personal productivity.
iPhone Geekery shows you how to do all this, and much, much more. You'll learn everything from keyboard secrets and power-user email techniques to ways to jb your iPhone and recover space from its file system. Get your geek on!
Learn how to:
- Load and sync content from multiple computers
- Use your iPhone as your home stereo and car stereo
- Record your band on your iPhone--or use your iPhone as your backing track
- Take stunning macro, telephoto, and panoramic photos
- Turn your iPhone into your main computer
- Secure your iPhone against water, dirt, and grime
- Share your iPhone's Internet connection with your computer
- Use your iPhone to control your computer remotely
- Jb your iPhone and install apps Apple hasn't approved
- Play Genesis, Nintendo, and arcade games on your iPhone under emulation
- And lots more!
Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "iPhone Geekery: 50 Insanely Cool Hacks and Mods for Your iPhone 4S" di Guy Hart-Davis, edito da McGraw-Hill Education - Europe, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 20,09 e come eBook in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 16,17
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