sabato 14 luglio 2012

Photoshop CS6 For Dummies

Contenuto del volume:

The bestselling guide to the leading image-editing software, Photoshop CS6, fully updated! Want picture-perfect photos, every time? Get up to speed on the most popular professional photo-editing software on the market: Photoshop. In this new edition of Photoshop CS6 For Dummies, expert Peter Bauer shows you how to use the latest Photoshop tools to change a background, adjust brightness, improve color, or fix flaws. Richly illustrated in full color, this edition covers all the updates in the newest version of Photoshop, the gold standard for image-editing programs. Used by professional photographers, graphic designers, Web designers, and serious hobbyists, Photoshop has more than four million users worldwide.
  • Photoshop is the image-editing software preferred by professional photographers and designers around the world; the latest version includes new functionality and enhanced tools
  • Teaches all the basics for first-time users and advanced techniques for more experienced digital imaging professionals, including how to work with the menus, panels, tools, options, and essential shortcuts
  • Covers how to fix red-eye, remove blemishes and wrinkles, remove people or objects from a photo, adjust brightness, improve color, add shadows and highlights, work with Camera Raw, decrease digital noise, create composite images, use channels and masks, work with HDR tools, and optimize images for the web

Photoshop CS6 For Dummies helps both amateur and professional Photoshop users take advantage of all the program has to offer.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Photoshop CS6 For Dummies" di Peter Bauer, edito da John Wiley & Sons Inc, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 20,09 e come eBook in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 17,11.

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