lunedì 30 luglio 2012

OS X Mountain Lion Pocket Guide

Contenuto del volume:

Packed with concise information, this handy guide helps you quickly get started with OS X Mountain Lion, the latest version of the Mac operating system. Mountain Lion is closer to iOS than its predecessor, with a deeper integration of iCloud and features such as the Notification Center. Once you learn the essentials, you can use this book as a resource for problem-solving on the fly.

OS X Mountain Lion Pocket Guide goes right to the heart of this OS, with details on system preferences, built-in applications, and utilities. You'll find configuration tips, keyboard shortcuts, guides for troubleshooting, lots of step-by-step instructions, and many other features - all in an easy-to-read format. Ideal whether you're new to the Mac or a longtime user.
  • Learn what's new, including Mountain Lion's iOS-inspired features
  • Get quick tips for configuring and customizing your Mac
  • Solve problems with a quick guide to the fundamentals like the Finder and Dock
  • Use keyboard shortcuts to work more efficiently
  • Take advantage of Mountain Lion's built-in applications and utilities
  • Manage user accounts and passwords

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "OS X Mountain Lion Pocket Guide" di Chris Seibold, edito da O'Reilly Media, Inc, USA, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 10,04.

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