martedì 31 agosto 2010

Aggiornamento Dreamweaver CS5 11.0.3 per Mac e Win

Adobe ha reso disponibile l'update 11.0.3 per Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 per Mac OS X e Windows, il software che consente a designer e sviluppatori di realizzare con sicurezza siti Web basati su standard. Lavorate visivamente o direttamente in codice, sviluppate con il vostro sistema di gestione dei contenuti esistente come WordPress, Joomla! o Drupal e progettate in maniera produttiva con gli strumenti CSS inspection. Semplificate lo sviluppo di siti Web avanzati con il supporto integrato per Subversion® e personalizzate l'autocompletamento del codice PHP (Code Hinting). È possibile svolgere test rapidi e precisi sulla compatibilità con i browser e verificare i contenuti dinamici grazie all'integrazione con Adobe BrowserLab, un nuovo servizio online di Adobe CS Live.

L'aggiornamento ad Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 11.0.3 include i flussi di lavoro definiti nel pacchetto di aggiornamento HTML 5 per Dreamweaver CS5 come l'anteprima multischermo, le media query, i suggerimenti sul codice e il rendering in Vista dal vivo. È raccomandato a tutti gli utenti di Dreamweaver CS5. Questo aggiornamento include anche gli aggiornamenti forniti in precedenza dall'aggiornamento Dreamweaver CS5 11.0.2 e dall'aggiornamento BrowserLab/Dreamweaver CS5 integration.

Si raccomanda di riavviare il computer dopo l'installazione dell'aggiornamento.

A questa pagina sono pubblicati i link per il download di questo aggiornamento per la versione Mac (14,12 MB) e per la versione Win (14,42 MB).

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 e gli altri moduli della Creative Suite 5 per Mac sono in vendita anche su

La versione Macintosh richiede un Mac con Mac OS X 10.5.7 o 10.6.x, processore Intel multicore, 1 GB di RAM (consigliato), 1,8 GB di spazio libero su disco rigido per l'installazione; durante l'installazione è necessario ulteriore spazio libero su disco (non è possibile eseguire l'installazione su un volume che utilizza un file system che distingue tra maiuscole e minuscole oppure su un dispositivo di archiviazione rimovibile basato su flash), schermo con risoluzione 1280 x 800 con scheda video a 16 bit, unità DVD-ROM, connessione Internet a banda larga richiesta per i servizi online.

Aggiornamento software Contratti di locazione 9.1.0

Sul sito dell'Agenzia delle Entrate è stato pubblicato il Software per la  predisposizione dei contratti e delle richieste di pagamento (Contratti di locazione) versione 9.1.0 del 31/8/2010 (download versione Mac) (download versione Win)

I requisiti per l'utilizzo del software sono:

- ambiente di run-time JAVA, versione 1.5.0_16 per Win e versione 1.5.0 per Mac
- Acrobat Reader

Le novità segnalate dall'Agenzia delle Entrate, rispetto alla versione precedente, riguardano le seguenti variazioni:
Il software "Contratti di locazione", disponibile per gli utenti Windows e per gli utenti Macintosh, è composto, a partire dalla versione 2.0.0, di due distinte applicazioni:
  • Registrazione telematica dei contratti di locazione
  • Pagamenti successivi alla registrazione
In tutti i casi il file deve essere preventivamente sottoposto a controllo prima di poter essere inviato. Pertanto è necessario installare i 3 moduli di controllo relativi rispettivamente alla "registrazione dei contratti di locazione", alla "registrazione delle denunce cumulative dei contratti di affitto di fondi rustici" e ai "pagamenti successivi alla registrazione" disponibili sui siti dei servizi telematici Entratel e Fisconline.
In particolare:
  • gli utenti Entratel dovranno utilizzare la funzione "Controlla" e successivamente autenticare il file;
  • gli utenti Fisconline, in possesso di pincode, dovranno utilizzare la funzione "Prepara File" dell'applicazione "File Internet".
A partire dalla versione 3.0.0, nell'ambito dell'applicazione "Registrazione telematica dei contratti di locazione", è possibile anche la compilazione delle "Denunce cumulative dei contratti di affitto di fondi rustici" di cui all'art. 17, comma 3-bis, del D.P.R. n. 131 del 26 aprile 1986.

Aggiornamenti Adobe Lightroom 3.2, Camera Raw e DNG Converter 6.2

Adobe ha reso disponibile l'update 3.2 per Adobe Photoshop Lightroom e gli update 6.2 per Camera Raw e DNG Converter.

L'aggiornamento ad Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.2 include i seguenti miglioramenti:
  • Supporto aggiuntivo per diversi nuovi modelli di fotocamere, tra cui Panasonic DMC-LX5, Sony NEX-5 e Canon EOS 60D
  • Numerose correzioni per problemi riscontrati in Lightroom 3.0
  • Pubblicazione diretta su Facebook e oltre 120 nuovi profili lente

È disponibile per Windows e per Macintosh.

Questa nuova versione del plug-in Camera Raw (versione 6.2) sostituisce l'originale installato su Adobe Photoshop CS5, Adobe Photoshop Elements 8 e Adobe Premiere Elements 8. Per un elenco completo di fotocamere supportate, visitare la pagina di Camera Raw.

Anche questo aggiornamento è disponibile per Windows e per Macintosh.

Disponibile, inoltre, l'aggiornamento DNG Converter 6.2 per Windows e per Macintosh.

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 per Win e Mac è in vendita anche su

lunedì 30 agosto 2010

Microsoft Outlook 2010 Inside Out

Contenuto del volume:

You're beyond the basics, so dive right in and take control of your schedule and business communications from the inside out! This in-depth reference packs hundreds of timesaving solutions, troubleshooting tips, and workarounds in a supremely organized format. It's all muscle and no fluff.

Discover how the experts manage Microsoft Outlook 2010 -- and challenge yourself to new levels of mastery. * Learn advanced techniques for managing e-mail and RSS features * Connect with others in real time through voice, video, and instant messaging * Organize and share your calendar, tasks, and notes for greater efficiency * Use Business Contact Manager to keep track of client information * Configure and customize Outlook 2010 with advanced set-up options * Implement virus protection, encryption, spam filters, and other security features * Set up a VPN, remote LAN, HTTP over RPC, and Outlook Web Access * Create macros and custom forms with Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications

Book website includes: * Fully searchable eBook -- plus bonus chapters

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Microsoft Outlook 2010 Inside Out" di Jim Boyce, edito da Microsoft Press, U.S., è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 36,83.

Microsoft Expression Web 3: Illustrated Complete, International Edition

Contenuto del volume:

Designed to meet the needs of users from a broad range of experience levels, MICROSOFT EXPRESSION WEB 3 – ILLUSTRATED COMPLETE, International Edition equips your students with Expression Web basics--and well beyond--using the signature Illustrated two-page spread format. Covering the nuts and bolts, new cutting-edge features, and everything in between, the text presents each skill on a succinct, easy-to-understand, two-page spread--making for focused and thorough instruction.

  • Coverage of adding multimedia such as Silverlight and Flash content to sites, making sites interactive and professional.
  • Includes instruction on how to use SuperPreview – a tool that allows users to preview their site in multple browsers – ensuring that sites support all platforms.
  • Presents lessons in a clean, easy-to-follow two-page spread layout that appeals to a wide variety of learning styles.
  • Provides complete coverage of Microsoft Expression Web 3, teaching students how to create professional, graphically appealing Web pages.
  • Offers clear, step-by-step instructions for completing tasks, with action items in green bold text to keep students on track.
  • Perfect for a full-semester course: your students will learn everything from basic skills such as creating Web pages, tables, and forms, to more advanced skills such as working with spreadsheet components and integrating a database with a Web site.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Microsoft Expression Web 3: Illustrated Complete, International Edition" di Julie Riley, edito da Cengage Learning, Inc, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 88,73.

Visitate la pagina di su Microsoft Store

iPhone: The Missing Manual. Covers iPhone 4 & All Other Models with iOS 4 Software

Contenuto del volume:

With multitasking and more than a 100 other new features, iPhone 4.0 is a real treat, cooked up with Apple A's traditional secret sauce of simplicity, intelligence, and whimsy. iPhone: The Missing Manual gives you a guided tour of everything the new iPhone has to offer, with lots of tips, tricks, and surprises. Learn how to make calls and play songs by voice control, take great photos, keep track of your schedule, and much more with complete step-by-step instructions and crystal-clear explanations by iPhone master David Pogue.

Whether you have a brand-new iPhone, or want to update an earlier model with the iPhone 4.0 software, this beautiful full-color book is the best, most objective resource available. * Use it as a phone -- learn the basics as well as time-saving tricks and tips for contact searching, texting, and more * Treat it as an iPod -- master the ins and outs of iTunes, and listen to music, upload and view photos, and fill the iPhone with TV shows and movies * Take the iPhone online -- make the most of your online experience to browse the Web, read and compose email, use social networks, or send photos and audio files * Go beyond the iPhone -- learn how to use the App Store, and how to multitask between your apps, organize them in folders, and read ebooks in iBooks Unlock the full potential of your iPhone -- with the book that should have been in the box.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "iPhone: The Missing Manual", 4 Rev ed., di David Pogue, edito da O'Reilly Media, Inc, USA, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 33,82.

domenica 29 agosto 2010

Succeeding in Business with Microsoft Office Excel 2010: A Problem-Solving Approach, International Edition

Contenuto del volume:

Succeeding in Business with Microsoft Office Excel 2010, International Edition prepares your students to solve business problems by moving beyond the basic 'point and click' skills to think critically about realistic business situations. When students combine software analysis with their own decision making abilities, they are more likely meet any business challenge with success. The Succeeding in Business Series emphasizes problem-solving, critical thinking, and analysis challenging students to find efficient and effective solutions.

Table of Contents
1. Applying Fundamental Excel Skills and Tools in Problem Solving.
2. Solving Problems with Statistical Analysis Tools.
3. Determining Effective Data Display with Charts.
4. Applying Logic in Decision Making.
5. Retrieving Data for Computation, Analysis, and Reference.
6. Evaluating the Financial Impact of Loans and Investments.
7. Organizing Data for Effective Analysis.
8. Using Data Tables and Excel Scenarios for What-If Analysis.
9. Enhancing Decision Making with Solver.
10. Troubleshooting Workbooks and Creating Excel Applications.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Succeeding in Business with Microsoft Office Excel 2010: A Problem-Solving Approach, International Edition, 1st Edition" di Debra Gross, Frank Akaiwa e Karleen Nordquist, edito da Cengage Learning, Inc, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 59,92.

Computer Concepts, Illustrated Essentials

Contenuto del volume:

Introduce your students to computer concepts with COMPUTER CONCEPTS – ILLUSTRTATED ESSENTIALS.

This concise book is the perfect companion to any technology-focused course.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Computer Concepts: Illustrated Essentials, 3rd Edition" di Katherine Pinard, edito da Cengage Learning, Inc, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 16,94.

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5: Introductory

Contenuto del volume:

ADOBE DREAMWEAVER CS5: INTRODUCTORY, 1E follows the Shelly Cashman Series' proven step-by-step, screen-by-screen approach to teaching the Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 software. The pedagogy of this text has been enhanced to reflect the learning styles of today's students. Readers will easily follow along with the chapters in the text to gain valuable and comprehensive software skills to build their own exciting and dynamic Web sites and develop Internet applications.

Table of Contents
Introduction: Web Site Development and Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.
1. Creating a Dreamweaver Web Page and Local Site.
2. Adding Web Pages, Links, and Images.
3. Tables and Page Layout.
A: Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 Help.
B: Dreamweaver and Accessibility.
C: Publishing to a Web Server.
D: Customizing Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.
E: Frames.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Adobe Dreamweaver CS5: Introductory, 1st Edition" di Dolores Wells e Gary B Shelly, edito da Cengage Learning, Inc, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 56,95.

sabato 28 agosto 2010

The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 Book for Digital Photographers

Contenuto del volume:

Since Lightroom first launched, Scott Kelby's The Lightroom Book for Digital Photographers has been the world's #1 best-selling Lightroom book. In this latest version for Lightroom 3, Scott uses his same step-by-step, plain-English style and layout to make learning Lightroom easy and fun. Scott doesn't just show you which sliders do what. Instead, by using the following three simple, yet brilliant, techniques that make it just an incredible learning tool, this book shows you how to create your own photography workflow using Lightroom: 1) Scott shares his own personal settings and studio-tested techniques.

He trains thousands of Lightroom users at his Lightroom Live! tour and knows first hand what really works and what doesn't. 2) The entire book is laid out in a real workflow order with everything step by step, so you can begin using Lightroom like a pro from the start. 3) What really sets this book apart are the last two chapters. This is where Scott dramatically answers his #1 most-asked Lightroom question, which is: Exactly what order am I supposed to do things in, and where does Photoshop fit in? Plus, this is the first version of the book that includes his famous 7-Point System for Lightroom, which lets you focus on mastering just the seven most important editing techniques. The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 Book for Digital Photographers is the first and only book to bring the whole process together in such a clear, concise, and visual way.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 Book for Digital Photographers" di Scott Kelby, edito da Pearson Education (US), è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 35,40.

Dreamweaver CS5: The Missing Manual

Contenuto del volume:

Web designers, web producers, and webmasters rely on one program above all others to design, build, and manage professional websites: Adobe Dreamweaver. It provides the tools you need to create everything from simple HTML pages to database-driven PHP pages. But what makes Dreamweaver so versatile is also what makes it difficult to learn.

This bestselling guide offers you with clear, jargon-free explanations to help you master this sophisticated program -- and bring stunning, contemporary websites to life. Written by veteran Dreamweaver teacher and author David McFarland, Dreamweaver CS5: The Missing Manual takes you through site creation step-by-step, from building your very first page to launching a template-driven, fully interactive site.

You'll hone your skills with the help of hands-on, guided tutorials throughout the book. * Learn how to control the appearance of your web pages with CSS, from basic to advanced techniques * Design dynamic, database-driven websites, from blogs to product catalogs, and from shopping carts to newsletter signup forms * Add interactivity to your website with ready-to-use JavaScript programs from Adobe's Spry Framework * Effortlessly control the many helper files that power your website and manage thousands of pages * Examine web page components and Dreamweaver's capabilities with the book's live examples

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Dreamweaver CS5: The Missing Manual" di David Sawyer Mcfarland, edito da O'Reilly Media, Inc, USA, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 33,48.

Real World Camera Raw with Adobe Photoshop CS5

Contenuto del volume:

Today serious photographers shoot raw images only. Real World Camera Raw with Adobe Photoshop was the first book devoted exclusively to the topic, explaining the advantages and challenges of using Adobe Camera Raw to produce magnificent images. Real World Camera Raw in Adobe Photoshop CS5 keeps pace with new directions in digital photography and raw image processing. Jeff Schewe, a contributor to the development of Adobe Camera Raw from its beginnings, updates Bruce Fraser's bestselling book with insider knowledge of how new features let photographers optimize and convert images for the best results in Adobe Photoshop CS5.

Hands-on techniques show readers how to expose and shoot for raw image capture as well as use features such as the Adjustment Brush and the Graduated Filter and the new and improved Noise Reduction, Perspective Crop, and automatic Lens Correction. Readers will also learn how to use the latest version of Adobe Bridge to manage the thousands of images--and gigabytes of data--that result from shooting in raw. This edition: * Builds on the latest version of Camera Raw to extend control over your digital camera's raw file format to produce the best quality images. * Shows you how to take advantage of new features in Adobe Bridge CS5 to select, sort, annotate, and edit thousands of raw images quickly and efficiently. * Guides you in developing an efficient raw workflow incorporating Adobe Photoshop CS5, Camera Raw 6, and Bridge CS5

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Real World Camera Raw with Adobe Photoshop CS5" di Bruce Fraser e Jeff Schewe, edito da APress, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 33,48.

venerdì 27 agosto 2010

Getting Started in Computing for the Older Generation - Windows 7 Edition

Contenuto del volume:

You can learn to use a computer at any age and this book, especially written for the over 50's, will help you to do just that in an easy and enjoyable way. It is written in plain English and avoids technical jargon wherever possible.
This book will help you to:
  • Choose the best computing set up for your needs.
  • Get the computer running properly in your home.
  • Connect to the Internet using wireless broadband.
  • Get familiar with Windows 7 the sofware that controls the operation of your computer.
  • Install and use essential software such as Windows Live Essentials and Office 2010.
  • Use your computer in conjunction with your digital camera.
  • Keep your computer and data safe and secure.
  • Keep your computer running properly.
  • Use the Ease of Access Center', if you have poor eyesight, hearing or difficulty in using the keyboard or mouse.

And much more besides

This book will help you to get the best out of your computer and give you the confidence to join a local computer class should you so wish.

Printed in full colour on high quality non-reflective paper for easier reading.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Getting Started in Computing for the Older Generation - Windows 7 Edition" di Jim Gatenby, edito da Bernard Babani Publishing, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 7,90.

Microsoft Outlook 2010: Introductory, International Edition

Contenuto del volume:

Introduce your students to the new generation of Microsoft Office with the new generation of Shelly Cashman Series books! For the past three decades, the Shelly Cashman Series has effectively introduced computer skills to millions of students. With Outlook 2010, we're continuing our history of innovation by enhancing our proven pedagogy to reflect the learning styles of today's students.

In MICROSOFT OUTLOOK 2010: INTRODUCTORY, International Edition you'll find features that are specifically designed to engage students, improve retention, and prepare them for future success. Our trademark step-by-step, screen-by-screen approach now encourages students to expand their understanding of the Outlook 2010 software through experimentation, exploration, and planning ahead. End of chapter exercises prepare students to become more capable software users by requiring them to use critical thinking and problem-solving skills to create real-life documents giving them skills to use in both their personal and professional lives.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Microsoft Outlook 2010: Introductory, International Edition", 1st Edition, di Gary B. Shelly, edito da Cengage Learning, Inc, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 25,61.

Windows PowerShell Cookbook

Contenuto del volume:

With more than 250 ready-to-use recipes, this solutions-oriented introduction to the Windows PowerShell scripting environment and language provides administrators with the tools to be productive immediately.

This second edition also includes hands-on tutorials that explain the technology fundamentals, common tasks, and administrative jobs that you can apply to Windows PowerShell, whether you are on a client or server version of Windows. In addition, you'll get quick references to the PowerShell language and to a variety of technologies that are used in conjunction with PowerShell, including format specifiers and frequently referenced registry keys to selected .NET, COM and WMI classes.

Special attention is paid to the needs of Microsoft Exchange Server and System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) administrators, who have the greatest need for this book. With scripts, tutorials, and references all in one volume, Windows PowerShell Cookbook will turbocharge your productivity.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Windows PowerShell Cookbook" 2 ed. di Lee Holmes, edito da O'Reilly Media, Inc, USA, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 35,53.

giovedì 26 agosto 2010

Aggiornamento iWork '09 9.0.4

Tramite la funzione "Aggiornamento Software" è disponibile l'update "iWork '09 versione 9.0.4":

Questo aggiornamento risolve dei problemi di Keynote, Pages e Numbers, e aggiunge a Pages compatibilità di esportazione con il formato documenti standard ePub (per l'utilizzo con iBooks).

Questo aggiornamento è consigliato agli utenti di iWork 9.0, 9.0.1, 9.0.2 e 9.0.3.

Per informazioni dettagliate sull'aggiornamento e per le modifiche di ogni singola applicazione, visitare il sito web:

L'aggiornamento include Keynote 5.0.4, Pages 4.0.4 e Numbers 2.0.4.

È possibile scaricare l'update anche dalla pagina: (63,44MB). È richiesto Mac OS X 10.5.6 o superiore.

iWork '09 è in vendita su Apple Store Italia al prezzo di Euro 79,00 (per utente singolo) ed Euro 99,00 (per l'installazione su cinque computer Mac di casa) oppure compreso nel Mac Box Set (con Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard e iLife '09) al prezzo di Euro 169,00 (per utente singolo) ed Euro 229,00 (come Family Pack)

A questo link è pubblicato il Manuale Utente di formule e funzioni, qui invece il Manuale Utente di Numbers '09, il Manuale Utente di Pages '09 ed il Manuale Utente di Keynote '09.

Essential SharePoint 2010: Overview, Governance, and Planning

Contenuto del volume:

“This book will become a mainstay in your SharePoint library. You will find yourself reaching for it whenever you run into a difficult situation or need extra guidance on how to use the new SharePoint product set.”
- From the Foreword by Thomas Rizzo, Senior Director, SharePoint Product Management, Microsoft
The Only Book That's Completely Focused on Maximizing the Business Value of SharePoint 2010 Solutions

Essential SharePoint 2010 approaches Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 from a strict business value perspective, explaining exactly how to plan and implement SharePoint solutions to achieve superior business results.

The authors are leading enterprise SharePoint consultants and draw on their unsurpassed experience to focus on the SharePoint features that offer the most real-world value. You'll find practical advice about how to succeed with knowledge management, business intelligence, and process improvement, and how to derive value from new innovations such as social tagging and mashups.

The book includes comprehensive, “in the trenches” guidance on planning, architecture, governance, training, and other key issues most SharePoint books ignore. The authors identify success factors, intangibles, and “gotchas,” helping you systematically reduce project risk and time-to-value ratio. Learn how to
  • Customize your best portal or collaboration strategy
  • Sustain a portal for continual, measurable value
  • Leverage the new community and social features in SharePoint 2010
  • Succeed with enterprise content management
  • Streamline business processes with Workflow and Forms
  • Choose the right roles for Web collaboration, search, and Microsoft Office
  • Plan for secure external collaboration
  • Migrate smoothly from SharePoint 2007
  • Train and communicate for a successful launch

Whether you're a business leader, IT manager, architect, analyst, developer, or consultant, this book will help you tightly align SharePoint projects with business strategy to deliver outstanding results.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Essential SharePoint 2010: Overview, Governance, and Planning" di Mauro Cardarelli, Susan Hanley e Scott Jamison, edito da Pearson Education (US), è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 33,48.

Foglio elettronico. Corso avanzato. Conforme al Sillabus 2.0

ECDL Advanced è la certificazione per l'utente evoluto del personal computer e attesta la conoscenza approfondita di uno o più moduli già presenti nell'ECDL di base (Core Level). "Foglio elettronico - Corso avanzato" è studiato per fornire le conoscenze necessarie per sostenere l'esame ECDL Advanced relativo.

Nei diversi capitoli vengono infatti spiegate le abilità richieste dall'ultimo Syllabus, la versione 2.0 (Modulo AM4), per ottenere la certificazione avanzata sui fogli di calcolo. Tuttavia, per l'ampiezza e l'effettiva utilità delle operazioni descritte, il libro risulta un ottimo strumento anche per chi vuole acquisire una conoscenza approfondita del foglio di calcolo di riferimento, Microsoft Excel 2007.

Il manuale è stato esaminato e approvato da AICA, l'unica associazione preposta in Italia a verificare l'effettiva copertura dell'intero programma d'esame e la correttezza complessiva dell'opera. I file utilizzati negli esempi e negli esercizi di verifica sono disponibili per il download sul sito relativo.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Foglio elettronico. Corso avanzato. Conforme al Sillabus 2.0" di Gianclaudio Floria, edito da Tecniche Nuove, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 16,90 (Attualmente è in offerta, con lo sconto del 15%, al prezzo di Euro 14,37).

Il computer partendo da zero Vol.1 edizione Windows 7

Dedicato espressamente a chi il computer non l’ha mai acceso. Corso Completo di Computer ed Informatica partendo veramente da zero attraverso le immagini, punto di riferimento fondamentale per tutti i principianti. Spiegazioni chiare e dettagliate passo per passo di tutte le procedure descritte dall’accensione del Computer in poi.

Il libro è un percorso didattico dove le spiegazioni delle operazioni vengono esposte senza dare nulla per scontato e completo di tutti gli argomenti indispensabili oggi, Windows 7, introduzione all’utilizzo del PC con consigli pratici, accensione e spegnimento corretti, presentazione di Windows Vista, le Finestre, la creazione di Cartelle, le impostazione dello schermo, Videoscrittura, le tecniche fondamentali, le operazioni di taglia copia ed incolla, la stampa di un documento, gli elenchi, le tabulazioni, il Foglio di Calcolo, gli esempi pratici per l’utilizzo e tanto altro. Strumento ideale per avvicinarsi al complicato mondo dell’informatica con il giusto approccio.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Il computer partendo da zero Vol.1 edizione Windows 7" di Giuseppe Scozzari, edito da Edizionifutura.Com, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 28,50 (Attualmente è in offerta, con lo sconto del 15%, al prezzo di Euro 24,23).

mercoledì 25 agosto 2010

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010: Introductory Concepts and Techniques, International Edition

Contenuto del volume:

For the past three decades, the Shelly Cashman Series has effectively introduced computer skills to millions of students. With Office 2010, we're continuing our history of innovation by enhancing our proven pedagogy to reflect the learning styles of today's students.
In MICROSOFT POWERPOINT 2010: INTRODUCTORY, International Edition you'll find features that are specifically designed to engage you, improve retention, and prepare you for future success. Our trademark step-by-step, screen-by-screen approach now encourages you to expand your understanding of the PowerPoint 2010 software through experimentation, exploration, and planning ahead. Brand new end of chapter exercises prepare you to become more capable software users by requiring you to use critical thinking and problem-solving skills to create real-life documents.

Table of Contents

Office 2010 and Windows 7: Essential Concepts and Skills.
1. Creating and Editing a Presentation with Clip Art.
2. Enhancing a Presentation with Pictures, Shapes and WordArt.
3. Reusing a Presentation and Adding Media.
A: Project Planning Guidelines.
B: Microsoft Business Certification Program.
C: Publishing Office 2010 Web Pages to a Web Server.
D: Web Apps.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Microsoft PowerPoint 2010: Introductory Concepts and Techniques, International Edition", 1st Edition, di Gary B. Shelly e Susan L. Sebok, edito da Cengage Learning, Inc, è in vendita anche su

Microsoft Excel 2010: Introductory, International Edition

Contenuto del volume:

With Excel 2010, we're continuing our history of innovation by enhancing our proven pedagogy to reflect the learning styles of today's students.
In Microsoft Excel 2010: Introductory, International Edition you'll find features that are specifically designed to engage you, improve retention, and prepare you for future success. Our trademark step-by-step, screen-by-screen approach now encourages you to expand your understanding of the Excel 2010 software through experimentation, exploration, and planning ahead. End of chapter exercises prepare you to become more capable software users by requiring you to use critical thinking and problem-solving skills to create real-life documents giving you skills to use in both your personal and professional lives.

Table of Contents

Excel Common Elements.
1. Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart.
2. Formulas, Functions, and Formatting.
3. What-If Analysis and Working with Large Worksheets.
Web Apps for Excel.
A: Project Planning Guidelines.
B: Publishing Office 2010 Web Pages to a Web Server.
C: Microsoft Business Certification Program.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Microsoft Excel 2010: Introductory, International Edition", 1st Edition, di Gary B. Shelly e Jeffrey J. Quasney, edito da Cengage Learning, Inc, è in vendita anche su

Blender Foundations: The Essential Guide to Learning Blender 2.5

Contenuto del volume:

Blender Foundations is the definitive resource for getting started with 3D art in Blender, one of the most popular 3D/Animation tools on the market. With the expert insight and experience of Roland Hess, noted Blender expert and author, animators and artists will learn the basics starting with the revised 2.6 interface, modeling tools, sculpting, lighting and materials through rendering, compositing and video editing. Some of the new features covered include the completely re-thought interface, the character animation and keying system, and the smoke simulator.

More than just a tutorial guide, Blender Foundations covers the philosophy behind this ingenious software that so many 3D artists are turning to today. Start working today with Blender with the accompanying web site which includes all of the projects and support files alongside videos, step-by-step screenshots of the trickier tutorials, as well as a direct links to official resources like the Blender download site and artist forums.

Focal Press is proud to publish titles that serve the Blender community. Blender Foundations covers the current version of Blender 2.5 and the forthcoming 2.6. Blender Foundations is not affiliated with The Blender Foundation.

This is a practical, project oriented title on creating high quality 3D art for Free. Blender is free, Open Source software, which makes it ideal for new users wanting to try 3D with little investment, animation studios looking to increase their capabilities and educational institutions with limited resources in their art departments.

Blender Foundations offers techniques and tools for the complete Blender workflow, demonstrating a real-world project from start to finish. Hands-on insight is even further applied with the companion website which includes source files at all stages so transitioning users can pick and choose via tool/chapter what they want to explore.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Blender Foundations: The Essential Guide to Learning Blender 2.5" di Roland Hess, edito da Elsevier Science & Technology, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 28,32.

martedì 24 agosto 2010

Security Update 2010-005 per Snow Leopard e Leopard

Tramite la funzione "Aggiornamento Software" sono disponibili i seguenti aggiornamenti:
L'Aggiornamento di sicurezza 2010-005 è consigliato a tutti gli utenti e migliora la sicurezza di Mac OS X. Gli aggiornamenti di sicurezza precedenti sono stati incorporati nel presente aggiornamento della sicurezza.

Per informazioni su questi aggiornamenti di sicurezza per Mac OS X 10.5.8 e 10.6.4 visitare il sito:

Physically Based Rendering

Contenuto del volume:

Physically Based Rendering, 2nd Edition describes both the mathematical theory behind a modern photorealistic rendering system as well as its practical implementation. A method - known as 'literate programming'- combines human-readable documentation and source code into a single reference that is specifically designed to aid comprehension. The result is a stunning achievement in graphics education. Through the ideas and software in this book, you will learn to design and employ a full-featured rendering system for creating stunning imagery. This book features new sections on subsurface scattering, Metropolis light transport, precomputed light transport, multispectral rendering, and much more.

It includes a companion site complete with source code for the rendering system described in the book, with support for Windows, OS X, and Linux. Code and text are tightly woven together through a unique indexing feature that lists each function, variable, and method on the page that they are first described.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Physically Based Rendering" 2 Rev ed. di Greg Humphreys e Matt Pharr, edito da Elsevier Science & Technology, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 71,23.

HTML5: Up and Running

Contenuto del volume:

If you don't know about the new features available in HTML5, now's the time to find out. The latest version of this markup language is going to significantly change the way you develop web applications, and this book provides your first real look at HTML5's new elements and attributes. Even though work on HTML5 is ongoing, browsers such as Safari, Mozilla, Opera, and Chrome already support many of its features - and browsers for smart phones are even farther ahead, especially iPhone's MobileSafari browser.

With "HTML5: Up & Running", you'll learn how this new version enables browsers to interact with JavaScript much more easily than before. You'll also learn how HTML5 can help you develop applications that: display video directly in the browser, without having to rely on plugins; work even when a user is offline, by taking advantage of HTML5's persistent storage; offer a drawing canvas for dynamically generated 2-D graphics.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "HTML5: Up and Running" di Mark Pilgrim, edito da O'Reilly Media, Inc, USA, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 20,08.

Learning and Applying SolidWorks 2010-2011

Contenuto del volume:

This unique reference is intended to help users learn SolidWorks on their own with little or no outside help. Unlike other books of its kind, it begins at a very basic level and ends at a fairly advanced level. It has been updated to include all new features of SolidWorks 2010 - 2011. And it's perfect for anyone enrolled in Engineering and Technology programs, as well as professionals interested in learning SolidWorks.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Learning and Applying Solidworks 2010-2011" di L. Scott Hansen, edito da Industrial Press Inc., U.S., è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 31,87.

lunedì 23 agosto 2010

Illustrator CS5 for Windows and Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide

Contenuto del volume:

This fully updated edition for Illustrator CS5 covers the essential skills for Illustrator artists, such as drawing geometric and freehand objects; color management; using multiple artboards; applying colors, patterns, and gradients; creating and using brushes; transforming, reshaping, and combining objects; creating and styling type; applying graphic styles and transparency; using the Pen tool; using the live color, paint, trace, and effects features; using symbols; and output.

The new and updated Illustrator CS5 features are clearly marked with bright red stars in both the table of contents and main text. Among the new CS5 features covered in this volume are bristle brushes, drawing modes, arrows, Width tool, Shape Builder tool, and Mini Bridge. Enhancements to such features as path joining, artboards, pixel-perfect drawing, and Art brushes are also covered. Readers can follow the steps in a tutorial fashion, or use the book as a reference guide to individual program features. Many of the key illustrations used in the book are available via Web download for practice.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Illustrator CS5 for Windows and Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide" di Elaine Weinmann e Peter Lourekas, edito da Pearson Education (US), è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 23,43.

Aggiornamento SafariCacheExplorer 1.3.2 per Mac OS X

Beecubu ha pubblicato sul proprio sito la versione 1.3.2 del software SafariCacheExplorer per Mac OS X.

SafariCacheExplorer è uno strumento unico per esplorare la cache di Safari (e qualsiasi altra cache nativa per Mac OS X). Con SafariCacheExplorer è possibile recuperare immagini, video, suoni, fogli di stile, ecc. dalla cache di Safari in modo semplice, grazie ad una semplice interfaccia utente ispirata al Finder.

Perché avete bisogno di uno strumento come SafariCacheExplorer? Il problema principale quando si tenta di recuperare i file nella cache di Safari è il sistema che Safari (e Mac OS X) utilizza per conservare la sua cache in un singolo file.

SafariCacheExplorer è anche uno strumento fantastico per gli sviluppatori web, perché? Perché SafariCacheExplorer consente di eliminare i singoli file della cache e vi aiuterà a sviluppare e testare i vostri siti web più velocemente utilizzando Safari.

Tra le novità di questa versione segnaliamo:
  • Aggiunta la funzione di esportazione della selezione (formati supportati: TXT, RTF, HTML, PDF e CSV)
  • Aggiunta la traduzione in italiano
  • Aggiunta la traduzione in tedesco di Sparkle
  • Risolto un problema di perdita di memoria durante l'estrazione di un elemento utilizzando il Drag & Drop
  • Corretti alcuni altri bug minori

Richiede un Mac con Mac OS X 10.5 o superiore.

Il download si effettua dal sito dello sviluppatore e viene distribuita in versione demo con alcune limitazioni, per eliminarle è necessario registrare l'applicazione acquistando una licenza a soli 9,95 dollari.

  • Disponibile l'aggiornamento SafariCacheExplorer 1.3.3.
  • Disponibile l'aggiornamento SafariCacheExplorer 1.3.4 che risolve alcuni problemi.
  • Disponibile l'aggiornamento SafariCacheExplorer 1.3.5 che aggiunge una nuova opzione filtro (opzione di ricerca testi avanzata), la revisione delle traduzioni in inglese, catalano, spagnolo, italiano e tedesco e risolve alcuni bug minori.
  • Disponibile l'aggiornamento SafariCacheExplorer 1.3.6 che aggiunge il supporto base a Mac OS X Lion, risolve un problema con la dimensione totale del file database e risolve alcuni bug minori.
  • Disponibile l'aggiornamento SafariCacheExplorer 1.3.7 che aggiunge il supporto a tutto schermo, le animazioni delle finestre e sostituisce alcuni pulsanti per una migliore visualizzazione su Mac OS X 10.7 e risolve alcuni altri bug minori.
  • Disponibile l'aggiornamento SafariCacheExplorer 1.3.8 che ripristina il supporto per processori PowerPC.
  • Disponibile l'aggiornamento SafariCacheExplorer 1.3.9 con le seguenti novità:
    • Aggiunto il supporto a OS X 10.8
    • Aggiunto il supporto alle notifiche di OS X 10.8
    • Corretto il bug con il pulsante "Acquista ora!" quando si entrava in modalità a tutto schermo (solo con OS X 10.7 e 10.8)
    • Correzione di alcuni bug minori
  • Disponibile l'aggiornamento SafariCacheExplorer 1.3.10 con le seguenti novità:
    • Migliorato il campo data, adesso la data è mostrata utilizzando il formato e il fuso orario di sistema
    • Modificato il modo in cui la lista è ordinata (prima i file più recenti)
    • Corretto un bug con le immagini capovolte su OS X 10.8
    • Corretti alcuni altri bug minori
  • Disponibile l'aggiornamento SafariCacheExplorer 1.3.11 con le seguenti novità:
    • Risolto un problema che poteva causare un arresto imprevisto con OS X 10.5 Leopard
    • Corretti alcuni altri bug minori
  • Disponibile l'aggiornamento SafariCacheExplorer 1.4 con le seguenti novità:
    • Aggiunto il supporto a OS X 10.9 Mavericks
    • Corretti alcuni altri bug minori
  • Disponibile l'aggiornamento SafariCacheExplorer 1.4.1 con le seguenti novità:
    • Aggiunto il supporto a OS X 10.10 Yosemite
    • Corretti alcuni altri bug minori
  • Disponibile l'aggiornamento SafariCacheExplorer 2.0 per Mac OS X 10.6 o superiore con le seguenti novità (in inglese):
    • Added OS X 10.10 Yosemite support
    • Added macOS 10.12 Sierra support
    • Added fully support for Safari 9 and later
    • Added Retina resources
    • Added two new exporters: JSON and XML
    • Updated UI using the modern macOS guidelines
    • Changed order of filters
    • Improved file extension detection
    • Improved internal cache loader
    • Fixed bug with text fields and command keys (cmd+c, cmd+v…)
    • Fixed bug when deleting some files
    • Fixed bug with updates
    • Fixed some other minor bugs
    • Known limitations: Some resources with an embedded certificate are not yet supported (don't worry there are few resources which are ignored)

How to Cheat in Adobe Flash CS5

Contenuto del volume:

Need to solve problems quickly to develop creative projects to time and to budget? Want to hone your Flash skills so you can concentrate on your animation? Then How to Cheat in Flash is for you! Chris Georgenes shows how to work from the problem to the solution - from the viewpoint of an animator who has been commissioned to create a job and is working to a deadline and to a budget.

With his in-depth knowledge of the little-known secrets used by the pros to produce creative, professional animations, Chris isthe go-to guru for designers and animators who want to create great animation, applications or motion design with Flash. Fully updated for CS5, How to Cheat in Flash CS5, is a goldmine of artistic inspiration, timesaving practical tips, tricks and step-by-step workthroughs that you'll wonder how you survived without it.

Each techniquesis designed as a double-page spread so you can prop the book up behind your keyboard or next to your monitor as a visual reference while working alongside it. Many of these workthroughs are real-world client projects, with the source files supplied for you to open and explore. With these real-life professional projects you'll discover how to:bring objects to life with cool motion effects, make it rain, snow or set your world ablaze, develop flash mobile applications and many more tips and tricks not found anywhere else!

* Work over the shoulder of Chris Georgenes, renowned Flash expert, and apply the practical techniques, tips and tricks to your own project with downloadable Flash source files, examples and tutorials, available at

* Bestselling How to Cheat coverage of Flash CS5 - proven format for successful learning
* Learn a myriad of tips and tricks based on real-life working methods to help you work faster and more efficiently and to budget!
* Work from the problem to the solution, to gain the best possible results from Flash CS5!

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "How to Cheat in Adobe Flash CS5" di Chris Georgenes, edito da Elsevier Science & Technology, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 25,28.

domenica 22 agosto 2010

Up and Running with AutoCAD 2011: 2D Drawing and Modeling

Contenuto del volume:

Get 'Up and Running' with AutoCAD using Gindis' combination of step-by-step instruction, examples, and insightful explanations. The emphasis from the beginning is on core concepts and practical application of AutoCAD in Architecture, Engineering and Design. Equally useful in instructor-led classroom training or self-study, the book is written with the student in mind by a long time AutoCAD user and instructor, based on what works in the industry and the classroom. It strips away complexities, both real and perceived and reduces AutoCAD to easy-to-understand basic concepts.

It explains 'why' something is done, not just 'how': the theory behind each concept or command is discussed prior to engaging AutoCAD, so the student has a clear idea of what they are attempting to do. All basic commands are documented step-by-step: what the student types in and how AutoCAD responds is spelled out in discrete and clear steps with numerous screen shots. Extensive supporting graphics (screen shots) and a summary with a self-test section and topic specific drawing exercises are included at the end of each chapter. Additional practice is gained through projects that the students work on as they progress through the chapters. It is also available in a comprehensive volume that includes coverage of 3D drawing and modeling in AutoCad. ISBN for comprehensive volume is 978-0-12-375717-3.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Up and Running with AutoCAD 2011: 2D Drawing and Modeling" di Elliot Gindis, edito da Elsevier Science & Technology, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 37,42.

Flash Advertising

Contenuto del volume:

Create awe-inspiring, mind-blowing Flash ads, microsites, advergames, and branded applications that engage consumers and demonstrate their worth to clients. Creating Flash Advertising delivers the nuts and bolts of the development process from initial design conception to ad completion.

You'll learn the best practices for: mastering the myriad of ad specs, deadlines, quality and version control issues; creating ads that balance campaign goals with design constraints; preparing and building ads with team and QC standards; using forms and data in ads without file bloat; file optimization techniques for swf files; 3rd party rich media technologies that transcend the 30k banner; integrating video into sites and banners; social media applications; trafficking and tracking ads for impressions, interactions, clicks, and conversions; and, using ActionScript to save development time and implement team standards. Published projects developed with the practices and AS code presented in the book are available on the companion website.

This title includes real-world examples of rich media ads and AIR applications. It offers industry insider tips and workflows from award winning designers. There is a Companion Web site with case studies, and re-usable AS3 and Flex code snippets.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Flash Advertising" di Jason Fincanon, edito da Elsevier Science & Technology, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 39,08.

3D in Photoshop: The Ultimate Guide for Creative Professionals

Contenuto del volume:

This is the first book of its kind that shows you everything you need to know to create or integrate 3D into your designs using Photoshop CS5 Extended. If you are completely new to 3D, you'll find the great tips and tricks in 3D in Photoshop invaluable as you get started. There is also a wealth of detailed technical insight for those who want more. Written by the true experts - Adobe's own 3D team - and with contributions from some of the best and brightest digital artists working today, this reference guide will help you to create a comprehensive workflow that suits your specific needs. Along the way, you'll pick up troubleshooting tips and advice from the industry experts and you'll be inspired by many examples of full color, original works of 3D art.

If you're already using Photoshop for your digital art and want to learn how to incorporate your 3D components into one workflow, you'll discover new ways of working with Photoshop that you probably never knew existed. Find out how to quickly generate beautiful 3D extrusions from text layers, selections and more. Brush up on your painting, texture creation and editing skills, and learn how to composite 3D to 2D scenes. You'll also discover the secrets to creating Lenticular images. It's all here in this comprehensive guide - the next best thing to sitting side-by-side with an Adobe expert while you create 3D magic.
  • Note: 3D functionality discussed in this book is only available in Photoshop CS5 Extended
  • Comprehensive coverage of general 3D concepts to get you started if you're new to 3D, or to catch you up to speed with the latest info if you're a seasoned pro
  • A supplemental website includes images to practice with, third party application plug-ins, and more
  • Includes step-by-step workflows from some of the industry's best digital artists to inspire and inform your own workflow
  • Answers to the questions most frequently asked to the Adobe Photoshop 3D team

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "3D in Photoshop: The Ultimate Guide for Creative Professionals" di Zorana Gee, edito da Elsevier Science & Technology, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 31,35.

sabato 21 agosto 2010

Flash + After Effects

Contenuto del volume:

Flash Designers: push Flash to the next level with After Effects' robust toolset. CS5 delivers more complete integration of these two powerhouse applications - so you can expand your multimedia horizons. Flash + After Effects gives you a working understanding of the AE toolset and professional techniques that raise the design bar for web, HD broadcast, or CD/DVD delivery.

The companion web site contains project media for hands-on practice of essential production skills, including: working with live video in Flash and the After Effects timeline; using alpha channels for keying and enhancing interactivity; integrating new CS5 features including the Roto Brush and Code Snippets; exporting layered After Effects compositions for Flash; building interactive 3D environments with video, cameras, and lights; enhancing character animation using IK and Puppet Tools; and, exporting video in HD and for the Web.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Flash + After Effects" 2 Rev ed. di Chris Jackson, edito da Elsevier Science & Technology, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 35,46.

Enterprise Mac Managed Preferences

Contenuto del volume:

Many systems administrators on the Mac need a way to manage machine configuration after initial setup and deployment. Apple’s Managed Preferences system (also known as MCX) is under-documented, often misunderstood, and sometimes outright unknown by sys admins. MCX is usually deployed in conjunction with an OS X server, but it can also be used in Windows environments or where no dedicated server exists at all.

Enterprise Mac Managed Preferences is the definitive guide to Apple’s Managed Client technology. With this book, you’ll get the following:
  • An example-driven guide to Mac OS X Managed Preferences/Client technology
  • Recipes for common use case studies and patterns
  • A targeted approach appropriate for any sys admin that manages Macs in an OS X or Windows environment

This is the only book that focuses on this facet of OS X exclusively. If you’re a sys admin, this book will take away much of the pain of working with OS X client systems. Even better, both of the authors are very involved in the Mac community—Greg Neagle is part of the MacEnterprise steering committee, and Ed is the Executive Editor and an author for MacTech magazine and a member of the Apple Consultants Network.

What you’ll learn:
  • The Managed Preferences system and how to manage it
  • All about Directory Services Local Directory Services
  • How to work with property list files
  • How to deliver files with Open Directory, ActiveDirectory, local scripts, third-party utilities, Puppet, LANRev, Casper, and more
  • How to work with compositing preferences, including the hierarchy of preferences
  • How to write a Plist for management, using Workgroup Manager and Dock Example
  • How and when to enforce Managed Preferences
  • How to understand manifests
  • What recipes to use and when
  • When, how, and where to use mcxquery, System Profiler, and MCX Cache flushing

Who this book is for:
This book is for systems administrators using Mac clients.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Enterprise Mac Managed Preferences" di Edward Marczak e Greg Neagle, edito da APress, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 46,31.

Up and Running with AutoCAD 2011: 2D and 3D Drawing and Modeling

Contenuto del volume:

Gindis introduces AutoCAD with step by step instructions, stripping away complexities to begin working in AutoCAD immediately. All concepts are explained first in theory, and then shown in practice, helping the reader understand what it is they are doing and why, before they do it. Divided into three parts, the book covers beginning through advanced AutoCAD, including 3D features. Also included is an extensive Appendix for each part, detailing additional useful CAD-related information not often found in other text books. The book contains supporting graphics (screen shots) and a summary with a self-test section at the end of each chapter. Also included are drawing examples and exercises, and two running 'projects' that the student works on as he/she progresses through the chapters.

This title strips away complexities, both real and perceived and reduces AutoCAD to easy-to-understand basic concepts. It teaches only what is essential to operating AutoCAD first, thereby immediately building student confidence. All basic commands are documented step-by-step, meaning that what the student needs to type in and how AutoCAD responds is all spelled out in discrete and clear steps with screen shots added as needed.

Using the author's extensive multi-industry knowledge of what is important and widely used in practice versus what is not, the material is presented by immediately immersing the student in practical, critically essential knowledge, with no padding of text or filler material. All concepts are explained first in theory, and only then is AutoCAD introduced and the actual 'button pushing' discussed. This is one of the key concepts in having students understand exactly what it is they are doing and why, before they do it.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Up and Running with AutoCAD 2011: 2D and 3D Drawing and Modeling" di Elliot Gindis, edito da Elsevier Science & Technology, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 53,54.
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