giovedì 5 agosto 2010

iPhone for Dummies

Contenuto del volume:

The full-color guide to getting the most out of your iPhone Completely updated and revised throughout, this full-color guide covers Apple's new iPhone and iOS 4. Bestselling veteran authors Baig and LeVitus introduce you to the capabilities of the iPhone whether you're making phone calls, browsing the Internet, sending and receiving e-mails, working with the calendar, watching videos, taking great photos, or much more.

You'll discover how to set up iTunes, buy music and videos from the iTunes store, protect your information, troubleshoot, multitask, and download the hundreds of thousands apps available from the App Store. * Gets you started with your iPhone, and puts you on your way to mastering the multitouch interface, synchronizing your data, making phone and video calls, texting, working with the calendar, and more * Explains setting up iTunes, watching videos, taking photos, and buying music * Walks you through connecting to the Internet, sending and receiving e-mails, getting directions from GPS maps, protecting your information, and troubleshooting * Addresses browsing and downloading any of the hundreds of thousands of applications from the App Store * Includes coverage of iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, and the new iPhone 4.

Presented in the straightforward-but-fun style that defines the Dummies series, iPhone For Dummies, 4th Edition is the only book you'll need to get comfortably acquainted with your new iPhone.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "iPhone for Dummies" 4 Rev ed. di Bob LeVitus e Edward C. Baig, edito da John Wiley and Sons Ltd, è in vendita anche su

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