giovedì 19 agosto 2010

Microsoft Office Access 2010: Introductory

Contenuto del volume:

With over 400 million copies in use and 95 per cent market share, Microsoft Office is the most ubiquitous suite of software products in the world. To put it simply, if you use a computer, you must know Microsoft Office. Recent reports indicate that Microsoft Office 2010 will release to the general public in summer 2010.

In Microsoft Office Access 2010: Introductory, International Edition, you'll find features that are specifically designed to engage, improve retention, and prepare you for future success. Our trademark step-by-step, screen-by-screen approach now encourages you to expand your understanding of the Access 2010 software through experimentation, exploration, and planning ahead.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Microsoft Office Access 2010: Introductory" di Gary B. Shelly, Thomas J. Cashman, Philip J. Pratt e Mary Z. Last, edito da Cengage Learning, Inc, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 25,99.

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