venerdì 27 agosto 2010

Getting Started in Computing for the Older Generation - Windows 7 Edition

Contenuto del volume:

You can learn to use a computer at any age and this book, especially written for the over 50's, will help you to do just that in an easy and enjoyable way. It is written in plain English and avoids technical jargon wherever possible.
This book will help you to:
  • Choose the best computing set up for your needs.
  • Get the computer running properly in your home.
  • Connect to the Internet using wireless broadband.
  • Get familiar with Windows 7 the sofware that controls the operation of your computer.
  • Install and use essential software such as Windows Live Essentials and Office 2010.
  • Use your computer in conjunction with your digital camera.
  • Keep your computer and data safe and secure.
  • Keep your computer running properly.
  • Use the Ease of Access Center', if you have poor eyesight, hearing or difficulty in using the keyboard or mouse.

And much more besides

This book will help you to get the best out of your computer and give you the confidence to join a local computer class should you so wish.

Printed in full colour on high quality non-reflective paper for easier reading.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Getting Started in Computing for the Older Generation - Windows 7 Edition" di Jim Gatenby, edito da Bernard Babani Publishing, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 7,90.

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