lunedì 16 agosto 2010

Practical HDRI

Contenuto del volume:

Practical HDRI, 2nd Edition, by pro photographer Jack Howard, leads you into the the new frontier of High Dynamic Range Imaging, a multi-shot technique to digitally capture, store, and edit the full luminosity range of a scene in ways not possible in a single captured image. Fully updated for 2010, the 2nd Edition covers the HDR process from image capture through post-processing for web and print.

Practical HDRI, 2nd Edition is richly illustrated with step-by-step tutorials for creating professional results using the leading HDR software titles, including the latest versions of Adobe Photoshop, Photomatix Pro, FDRTools, Dynamic Photo HDR, and HDR PhotoStudio. Howard instructs from experience as a photographer and a writer, with an emphasis on making the HDR process work for you.

Topics include: Step-by-step tutorials Basic and advanced workflows and workarounds Web and print optimization File management, keywording Advice on cameras, gear and software HDR imaging can be challenging and frustrating for the uninitiated, as it involves both field and computer expertise. However, Jack Howard explains this complex subject matter in a practical way that will not intimidate the beginner, nor bore the experienced photographer. The emphasis is on the creative process and how to make it work for you-rather than the science behind it.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Practical HDRI" di Jack Howard, edito da Rocky Nook, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 23,40.

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