domenica 15 agosto 2010

Sams Teach Yourself iPad in 10 Minutes

Contenuto del volume:

A clear, super quick, easy-to-understand guide for new iPad users
  • Fast access to instructions for every common task, plus reliable, concise answers to the most widely asked questions.
  • Organized into lessons that distill the most crucial information on each iPad topic.
  • Tips and cautions point out shortcuts, solutions, and help readers avoid common pitfalls.
Sams Teach Yourself iPad in 10 Minutes offers straightforward, practical answers when you need fast results. By working through 10-minute lessons, you'll learn everything you need to use your iPad to get online, get apps, use the Web, manage email, use maps, books, photos, music, video--anything! Each compact lesson zeroes in on essential techniques, with fast, step-by-step instructions that help you do it right the first time! Tips point out shortcuts and solutions Cautions help you avoid common pitfalls Notes provide additional information 10 minutes is all you need to learn how to! * Make the Home screen an efficient control center for your iPad * Get online with Wi-Fi or 3G cellular connections * Get iPad and iPhone apps, including paid and free apps * Surf the Web * Receive and send email from as many accounts as you need * Use maps, books, music, photos, video, and more! Register your book at for convenient access to updates and corrections as they become available.

Category: iPad Covers: Apple Digital Media User Level: Beginning

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Sams Teach Yourself iPad in 10 Minutes" di Bud E. Smith, edito da Pearson Education (US), è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 12,42.

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