martedì 24 agosto 2010

Physically Based Rendering

Contenuto del volume:

Physically Based Rendering, 2nd Edition describes both the mathematical theory behind a modern photorealistic rendering system as well as its practical implementation. A method - known as 'literate programming'- combines human-readable documentation and source code into a single reference that is specifically designed to aid comprehension. The result is a stunning achievement in graphics education. Through the ideas and software in this book, you will learn to design and employ a full-featured rendering system for creating stunning imagery. This book features new sections on subsurface scattering, Metropolis light transport, precomputed light transport, multispectral rendering, and much more.

It includes a companion site complete with source code for the rendering system described in the book, with support for Windows, OS X, and Linux. Code and text are tightly woven together through a unique indexing feature that lists each function, variable, and method on the page that they are first described.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Physically Based Rendering" 2 Rev ed. di Greg Humphreys e Matt Pharr, edito da Elsevier Science & Technology, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 71,23.

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