domenica 29 agosto 2010

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5: Introductory

Contenuto del volume:

ADOBE DREAMWEAVER CS5: INTRODUCTORY, 1E follows the Shelly Cashman Series' proven step-by-step, screen-by-screen approach to teaching the Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 software. The pedagogy of this text has been enhanced to reflect the learning styles of today's students. Readers will easily follow along with the chapters in the text to gain valuable and comprehensive software skills to build their own exciting and dynamic Web sites and develop Internet applications.

Table of Contents
Introduction: Web Site Development and Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.
1. Creating a Dreamweaver Web Page and Local Site.
2. Adding Web Pages, Links, and Images.
3. Tables and Page Layout.
A: Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 Help.
B: Dreamweaver and Accessibility.
C: Publishing to a Web Server.
D: Customizing Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.
E: Frames.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Adobe Dreamweaver CS5: Introductory, 1st Edition" di Dolores Wells e Gary B Shelly, edito da Cengage Learning, Inc, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 56,95.

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