venerdì 13 agosto 2010

Brilliant Word 2010

Contenuto del volume:

When you are working on your PC and come up against a problem that you are unsure how to solve or want to accomplish something in application that you aren't sure how to do, Brilliant guides give you the answers. Brilliant Word 2010 allows you to find the information you need easily and without fuss. It guides you through all tasks and applications using a highly visual, step-by-step approach. It tells exactly what you need to know when you need to know it.

Brilliant Word 2010 will show you how to. * Create documents more efficiently using the new results-oriented interface * Use formatting, editing, reviewing and publishing tools to create documents in print and online * Create great-looking documents faster using themes, styles and templates * Organize information and add impact with clip art, SmartArt diagrams, tables and charts * Create customized letters, labels and envelopes * Use the Full Reading view to comfortably read documents on screen * Use Outline and Draft views to develop your documents * Use Groove and SharePoint Team Services to collaborate and share documents and information Spend less time reading and more time doing with a simple step-by-step approach to beginner and intermediate level office tasks.

Brilliant guides provide the quick, easy-to-access information that you need - Numbered steps guide you through each task or problem. Numerous screenshots illustrate each step. Cross reference boxes point you to related tasks and information in the book Did you know ?...sections alert you to relevant expert tips, tricks and advice.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Brilliant Word 2010" di Steve Johnson, edito da Pearson Education Limited, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 19,20.

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