lunedì 9 agosto 2010

iPhone 4 Portable Genius

Contenuto del volume:

A handy, quick-access guide to getting the most out of the iPhone 4 If you love all the great stuff that makes up the Apple digital lifestyle, you no doubt consider your iPhone 4 to be indispensable. The newest edition of iPhone Portable Genius is packed with the information you need to make this wonderful device even better. You'll find great iPhone tips at your fingertips-things like the latest hot app from the App Store, novel ways to control calls, and more-and they're all designed to make your life easier, save you time, and help you avoid hassle.

Best of all, this book features full-color screenshots, so it's easy to navigate, and it doesn't skip any of the essentials. * Includes savvy advice and plenty of no-nonsense content in a hip way that is easy to access * Covers key tools, topics, and shortcuts * Features Genius icons throughout the book-smart or innovative ways to handle tasks and save yourself time * Get better acquainted with your iPhone 4 in a fun way-as if your friends were showing you what to do-with iPhone 4 Portable Genius.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "iPhone 4 Portable Genius" di Paul McFedries, edito da John Wiley and Sons Ltd, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 16,74.

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