domenica 15 agosto 2010

ePub Straight to the Point: Creating ebooks for the Apple iPad, Kindle, and other ereaders

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This project-based book walks readers through the creation of an ebook using the ePub specification. Liz Castro covers the principle characteristics of an ePub ebook, how to design the layout, and what the specification can and can't handle. Liz shows readers how to build an ePub book both through coding a book by hand and with Adobe InDesign. She also shows readers how to test their files and get it ready for publishing. Liz addresses advanced topics such as including DRM and multimedia.

Elizabeth Castro has contributed to ePub Straight to the Point: Creating ebooks for the Apple iPad and other ereaders as an author. Elizabeth Castro has written all five best-selling editions of HTML for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart Guide. She is also author of Perl and CGI for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart Guide and XML for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart Guide--both best-sellers! Liz was the technical editor for Peachpit's The Macintosh Bible, Fifth Edition, and she founded Pagina Uno, a publishing house in Barcelona, Spain.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "ePub Straight to the Point: Creating ebooks for the Apple iPad, Kindle, and other ereaders" di Elizabeth Castro, edito da Pearson Education (US), è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 20,08.

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