sabato 21 agosto 2010

Flash + After Effects

Contenuto del volume:

Flash Designers: push Flash to the next level with After Effects' robust toolset. CS5 delivers more complete integration of these two powerhouse applications - so you can expand your multimedia horizons. Flash + After Effects gives you a working understanding of the AE toolset and professional techniques that raise the design bar for web, HD broadcast, or CD/DVD delivery.

The companion web site contains project media for hands-on practice of essential production skills, including: working with live video in Flash and the After Effects timeline; using alpha channels for keying and enhancing interactivity; integrating new CS5 features including the Roto Brush and Code Snippets; exporting layered After Effects compositions for Flash; building interactive 3D environments with video, cameras, and lights; enhancing character animation using IK and Puppet Tools; and, exporting video in HD and for the Web.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Flash + After Effects" 2 Rev ed. di Chris Jackson, edito da Elsevier Science & Technology, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 35,46.

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