domenica 8 agosto 2010

Microsoft Office 2010 QuickSteps

Contenuto del volume:

This is a full-color, step-by-step guide to the key features of Word 2010, Excel 2010, Outlook 2010, and PowerPoint 2010.

Microsoft Office 2010 QuickSteps starts you up on Office 2010 right away. Color screenshots and clear instructions make it easy to ramp up on the latest release of Microsoft's powerful productivity suite. Follow along and quickly learn how to create Word documents; build Excel spreadsheets; manage Outlook email, contacts, and schedules; design PowerPoint presentations; and, even begin using SharePoint. Get up to speed on Office 2010 in no time with help from this practical, fast-paced guide.

Microsoft Office 2010 QuickSteps provides a single reference for both stand-alone and Web use of Office plus SharePoint. It features high production quality, breadth of coverage, and low price. It includes full-color screenshots on every page with step-by-step explanations. It covers all key features of Office 2010: Formatting and Customizing Documents; Entering and Editing Data; Formatting a Worksheet; Using Formulas and Functions; Creating a Presentation; Working with Slides; Working with Notes, Masters, and Slide Texts; Using Outlook and Receiving E-mail; Creating and Sending E-mail; Scheduling and the Calendar; and, Printing, Using Mail Merge, and Graphics.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Microsoft Office 2010 QuickSteps" di Carole Matthews, Marty Matthews e John Cronan, edito da McGraw-Hill Education - Europe, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 20,22.

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