domenica 22 agosto 2010

Flash Advertising

Contenuto del volume:

Create awe-inspiring, mind-blowing Flash ads, microsites, advergames, and branded applications that engage consumers and demonstrate their worth to clients. Creating Flash Advertising delivers the nuts and bolts of the development process from initial design conception to ad completion.

You'll learn the best practices for: mastering the myriad of ad specs, deadlines, quality and version control issues; creating ads that balance campaign goals with design constraints; preparing and building ads with team and QC standards; using forms and data in ads without file bloat; file optimization techniques for swf files; 3rd party rich media technologies that transcend the 30k banner; integrating video into sites and banners; social media applications; trafficking and tracking ads for impressions, interactions, clicks, and conversions; and, using ActionScript to save development time and implement team standards. Published projects developed with the practices and AS code presented in the book are available on the companion website.

This title includes real-world examples of rich media ads and AIR applications. It offers industry insider tips and workflows from award winning designers. There is a Companion Web site with case studies, and re-usable AS3 and Flex code snippets.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Flash Advertising" di Jason Fincanon, edito da Elsevier Science & Technology, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 39,08.

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