giovedì 5 agosto 2010

Microsoft Office Access 2010: Illustrated Brief, 1st Edition

Contenuto del volume:

Loved by instructors for its visual and flexible way to build computer skills, the Illustrated Series is ideal for teaching Microsoft Office Access 2010 to both computer rookies and hotshots. Each two-page spread focuses on a single skill, making information easy to follow and absorb. Large, full-color illustrations represent how the students' screen should look. Concise text introduces the basic principles of the lesson and integrates a case study for further application.

Indice: MICROSOFT OFFICE 2010. Unit A Getting Started with Microsoft Office 2010. ACCESS 2010. Unit A: Building and Using Access tables. Unit B: Building and Using Queries. Unit C: Creating and Using Forms. Unit D: Creating and Using Reports. Appendix: Working with SkyDrive and Office Web Apps.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Microsoft Office Access 2010: Illustrated Brief, 1st Edition" di Lisa Friedrichsen, edito da Cengage Learning, Inc, è in vendita anche su

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