lunedì 30 agosto 2010

Microsoft Expression Web 3: Illustrated Complete, International Edition

Contenuto del volume:

Designed to meet the needs of users from a broad range of experience levels, MICROSOFT EXPRESSION WEB 3 – ILLUSTRATED COMPLETE, International Edition equips your students with Expression Web basics--and well beyond--using the signature Illustrated two-page spread format. Covering the nuts and bolts, new cutting-edge features, and everything in between, the text presents each skill on a succinct, easy-to-understand, two-page spread--making for focused and thorough instruction.

  • Coverage of adding multimedia such as Silverlight and Flash content to sites, making sites interactive and professional.
  • Includes instruction on how to use SuperPreview – a tool that allows users to preview their site in multple browsers – ensuring that sites support all platforms.
  • Presents lessons in a clean, easy-to-follow two-page spread layout that appeals to a wide variety of learning styles.
  • Provides complete coverage of Microsoft Expression Web 3, teaching students how to create professional, graphically appealing Web pages.
  • Offers clear, step-by-step instructions for completing tasks, with action items in green bold text to keep students on track.
  • Perfect for a full-semester course: your students will learn everything from basic skills such as creating Web pages, tables, and forms, to more advanced skills such as working with spreadsheet components and integrating a database with a Web site.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Microsoft Expression Web 3: Illustrated Complete, International Edition" di Julie Riley, edito da Cengage Learning, Inc, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 88,73.

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