mercoledì 21 dicembre 2011

Adobe Photoshop Elements 10: Maximum Performance

Contenuto del volume:

Master the most powerful photo editing tools and techniques that Elements has to offer! Using step-by-step projects, Mark Galer will have you creating stunning images in no time at all. Whether you want to create impressive, seamless montages, optimize your photos for perfect print quality, or simply enhance your images for maximum impact, Maximum Performance will give you the skills and know-how you need to create professional quality results. Featured projects teach you how to work with multilayered 16 bit/channel files, as well as convert to black and white using Adobe Camera Raw, create High Key images, work with image borders and textures, and create tilt-shift and cross-process effects.

Three movie tutorials featuring specific techniques from the book are available for free online, and a supplemental package of images and movies can be purchased with an easy one-time download from the authors' website. Find everything you need to unleash the power of Elements with Max Performance, or for a more interactive learning experience, download the supplemental images and movies for comprehensive, hands-on learning. You can get professional, Photoshop-quality results with affordable, Elements-priced software; create amazing images using advanced, little-known techniques to achieve results you never thought possible; and learn and master advanced techniques using step-by-step, project-based tutorials that are intuitive and easy to follow.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Adobe Photoshop Elements 10: Maximum Performance" di Abhijit Chattaraj e Mark Galer, edito da Elsevier Science & Technology, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 22,24.

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