domenica 18 dicembre 2011

Cubase 6 Tips and Tricks

Contenuto del volume:

Recording, editing, mixing and mastering. Time saving shortcuts. Cubase 6's hidden secrets. Become a power user. Improve your workflow.

Cubase 6 is undoubtedly one of the most powerful MIDI and audio production environments around, but are you realizing its full potential? This highly readable book is crammed with practical insider tips and tricks on using the program creatively.

Keep it by you as you work. You'll find it not only a great companion for troubleshooting and advice but also a source of inspiration. Discover the art of recording, arranging, editing, using plug-ins and VST instruments, processing audio and mixing - all within the realms of Cubase 6.

Cubase 6 contains many new features and this book includes the new drum editing and replacement tools, advanced tempo detection, audio quantization, track comping, VST Expression 2, guitar amp modeling and the brand new VST workstation, HALion Sonic SE.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Cubase 6 Tips and Tricks" di Keith Gemmell, edito da PC Publishing, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 10,06.

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