martedì 13 dicembre 2011

Aggiornamento Synium MacFamilyTree 6.2

Synium ha rilasciato l'aggiornamento alla versione 6.2 del software MacFamilyTree 6, rinomata applicazione per la creazione di alberi genealogici che dispone di interfaccia utente configurabile, diagrammi animati, report modificabili e opzioni di stampa e di esportazione avanzate.

Le note di rilascio (in inglese) di questa nuova versione 6.2 segnalano le seguenti novità:
  • For the first time, a new Tree Chart brings the capability to display all members of a family in one chart. Even large families can be displayed completely
  • Completely configurable Source Report provides a detailed overview of all sources in you database. Sources can now be bookmarked as well
  • To Do Report with a convenient overview of all to dos
  • Configurable Ahnentafel Report provides an overview of all descendants sorted by generation and lists the relating events from the Narrative Report
  • Entertaining Family Quiz tests and trains your knowledge about your family tree
  • Title and Date header can now be added above all charts
  • Improved lay out and text formatting of Narrative Report and Kinship Report
  • Images can now be displayed in the List of Persons and in the Kinship Report
  • Options for colors and lay out of the Hourglass Chart are now also available in the Person and Family Group Report
  • The county of a place can now be added into a separate county input field
  • Improved GEDCOM compatibility with other genealogy applications
  • Improved GEDCOM export of images
  • Improved sorting of Family Events

MacFamilyTree 6.2 per Mac OS X 10.6.6 o superiore è in vendita anche sul Mac App Store al prezzo speciale di Euro 23,99.

Disponibile, inoltre, MobileFamilyTree Pro 1.1, compatibile sia con iPhone/iPod touch che con iPad, al prezzo di Euro 11,99 su MobileFamilyTree Pro - Synium Software GmbH

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