martedì 20 dicembre 2011

Best Photoshop Filters

Contenuto del volume:

Best Photoshop Filters is the visual guide to more than 1,000 filter effects and how to use them. Photoshop filters give digital painters and illustrators an alchemical array of creative effects quickly and easily. Filters transform a standard photograph to give it the look of an oil painting, pencil drawing, old film still, smudging it, tearing its edges, or infusing it with a neon glow.

The range of effects extends way beyond the standard settings since the filters can be configured and combined together in any number of different ways. This book takes the guesswork out of the selection process, with accurate reproduction of over 1,000 filter effects and clear instructions on how to achieve each one. Beginners will find it easy to get started with a techniques section showing how to get the most out of filter effects, with extensive hints and tips for more experienced users. A must-have for a Photoshop users.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Best Photoshop Filters" di Susannah Hall, edito da A & C Black Publishers Ltd, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 28,26.

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