giovedì 29 dicembre 2011

Brilliant Mac Basics

Contenuto del volume:
  1. Know your mac Mac models and specifications Find your Mac model Know the technical specifications Mac OS X editions Upgrade your Mac edition Update your Mac's OS
  2. Explore your Mac's graphical user interface Use the Finder Know what's available in the Finder Personalise the Finder Work in open windows Explore the menu bar Spotlight Search Use the Dock Use the Dashboard and configure widgets Use Lion's Mission Control Explore apps with Lion's Launchpad Use multi-touch gestures with a trackpad With gestures, explore multiple desktops
  3. Customise your Mac Explore the System Preferences pane Change your desktop picture Apply a screen saver and configure Hot Corners Change your login picture Personalise the menu bar Change the size of the Dock Explore Dock stacks Explore additional System Preferences
  4. Files, folders and managing your data Learn file and folder basics Explore your Home folder Create an alias for a folder Save a file to a folder Open files and set file associations Find data with Spotlight Search Manipulate files and folders Save, back up and recover files and folders Use Lion's new Auto Save feature Back up data with Time Machine
  5. Use built-in applications, utilities and apps from the App Store Explore Applications Explore Utilities Explore the App Store Locate and use apps
  6. Use Safari, Mail, iCal and Address Book Surf the Web with Safari Download and install a program Create bookmarks and bookmark folders Configure and use tabbed browsing Use Safari Reader Set up Mail Use Mail Customise Mail Explore more Lion-only Mail features Explore iCal Explore Address Book
  7. Network and sharing Connect to another device Connect to a network Working with Microsoft Windows Share folders, drives and printers Access a Mac's shared folders from a Windows computer Share a printer
  8. Manage media with iTunes Explore the iTunes interface Build and share your iTunes library Burn a CD Create a smart playlist Use the Mini Player Explore the iTunes Store Purchase media from the iTunes Store Listen to the radio, podcasts and iTunes U
  9. Photos, videos and webcams Open and populate iPhoto with Pictures Import photos already on your Mac Import photos (and videos) from a camera or similar device Copy pictures and videos from a networked computer Explore options for scanning pictures Explore the iPhoto interface Edit photos Share photos Slide shows Print View videos Set up and use iChat Set up and use FaceTime
  10. iMovie, iDVD, GarageBand and iWeb Create a movie with iMovie Get to know iMovie Burn DVDs with iDVD Explore iDVD Explore GarageBand Mix your music Share your music Create a web page with iWeb Upload options Where to go from here
  11. Maintenance, security and troubleshooting Get software updates Install an anti-virus program Explore security options Protect your computer with passwords Set energy-saving options Explore troubleshooting options Reinstall Lion Jargon buster Troubleshooting guide

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Brilliant Mac Basics", 2 Rev ed., di Joli Ballew, edito da Pearson Education Limited, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 19,20.

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