venerdì 30 dicembre 2011

Pro Tools Surround Sound Mixing

Contenuto del volume:

This essential guide takes you through all the steps you need to record, mix, and produce multichannel music with Avid (formerly Digidesign) Pro Tools. It covers preproduction, recording, setup, mixing, and delivery of surround music, and explains how you can use Pro Tools to deliver mixes for DVD, HDTV, Blu-ray and SACD. You'll also learn about encoding mixes for Dolby Digital and DTS, mixing to picture, and the strengths of the Pro Tools platform.

In addition, the included DVD provides audio examples of the concepts illustrated in the book, and interviews with professionals working in the multichannel business round out the instruction. Pro Tools: Surround Sound Mixing includes up-to-date information on: monitoring and controlling surround sound; preparing a final mix; multichannel mixing; software plug-ins and surround-related hardware; mastering surround tracks; additional surround outlets such as game production; 5.1, 6.1, and 7.1 formats, including those for Blu-ray and SDDS; and, the latest additions and changes in Pro Tools 9.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Pro Tools Surround Sound Mixing", 2 ed., di Rich Tozzoli, edito da Hal Leonard Corporation, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 25,62.

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