domenica 11 dicembre 2011

Integrating PHP with Windows

Contenuto del volume:

Take your PHP programming skills deep into Windows-and build PHP applications that run efficiently and effectively with an array of Windows technologies. Packed with practical step-by-step exercises, this in-depth guide teaches you how to use PHP modules and functions to interact with applications such as Microsoft Office, Microsoft Exchange Server, and Microsoft SharePoint.

Discover how to:
  • Apply best practices for running PHP applications in a Windows environment
  • Install and set up PHP to run on Internet Information Services (IIS)
  • Use Microsoft SQL Server as the backend relational database for PHP applications
  • Program PHP to work with Office documents
  • Develop PHP applications to interact with Active Directory
  • Connect Microsoft Exchange Server and Microsoft SharePoint services with PHP
  • Build Web services with PHP that operate on Windows-based servers

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Integrating PHP with Windows" di Arno Hollosi, edito da Microsoft Press, U.S., è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 33,22.

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