domenica 11 dicembre 2011

Mac Computing for Seniors in Easy Steps

Contenuto del volume:

"Mac Computing for Seniors in Easy Steps" begins with an overview of Mac computers, covering different types of desktops and laptops that are available and gives a tour around them so that you quickly feel confident about using them. There is then an extensive look at customizing the desktop so that you can set up your Mac exactly as you want it. The Mac operating system, OS X Lion will be covered. The book takes an in-depth look at the latest version of OS X Lion, covering everything from working with programs to organizing folders and files. It also shows how to effortlessly share files with Windows PC machines.

"Mac Computing for Seniors in Easy Steps" shows how to work with photos, videos and music, using the popular iLife suite of programs. It also deals with the ubiquitous iPod, iPhone and the new iPad and hassle-free use of the Internet and email. The final chapters of the book cover issues such as setting up your own wireless network and also ensuring that your Mac stays secure and virus free. The new edition of "Mac Computing for Seniors in Easy Steps" shows how to put the fun back into your computing experiences - even Seniors can now enjoy the sleek and stylish world of Apple Macs!

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Mac Computing for Seniors in Easy Steps", 2 ed., di Nick Vandome, edito da In Easy Steps Limited, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 9,96.

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