venerdì 9 dicembre 2011

Apple Pro Training Series: OS X Lion Server Essentials: Using And Supporting OS X Lion Server

Contenuto del volume:

The only Apple-certified book on OS X Lion Server, this comprehensive reference takes support technicians and ardent Mac users deep inside this server operating system, covering everything from networking technologies to service administration, customizing users and groups, and more.

Aligned to the learning objectives of the Apple Certified Technical Coordinator certification exam, the lessons in this self-paced volume serves as a perfect supplement to Apple's own training class and a first-rate primer for computer support personnel who need to support and maintain OS X Lion Server as part of their jobs. Quizzes summarize and reinforce acquired knowledge.

The Apple Pro Training Series serves as both a self-paced learning tool and the official curriculum for the OS X Lion and OS X Lion Server certification programs.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Apple Pro Training Series: OS X Lion Server Essentials: Using And Supporting OS X Lion Server" di Arek Dreyer e Ben Greisler, edito da Pearson Education (US), è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 38,42.

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