domenica 11 dicembre 2011

Developing Microsoft Media Foundation Applications

Contenuto del volume:

Create professional-quality media applications and components with Microsoft Media Foundation-and deliver the next generation of high-definition multimedia. With this hands-on book, you'll learn how to build applications to capture video and audio files of different types, process media information, and stream it over the Internet. If you program with C++ and the Component Object Model (COM), this book is ideal-especially for developers looking to transfer their skills from Microsoft DirectShow.

Discover how to:
  • Construct media pipelines with individual Media Foundation components
  • Build a simple video player to see how a basic media session works
  • Create applications that transcode media content from one format to another
  • Process data streams by writing Media Foundation Transform objects
  • Examine the internal architecture of Media Foundation Sources and Sinks
  • Design a custom media session object to learn advanced Media Foundation concepts
  • Create image overlays on top of video and send the result over the network

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Developing Microsoft Media Foundation Applications" di Anton Polinger, edito da Microsoft Press, U.S., è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 25,99.

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