giovedì 15 novembre 2012

iPad Geekery

Contenuto del volume:

Take your iPad to its limits--and way beyond You've already mastered iPad essentials. Now, become a bona-fide power-user and transform your iPad into a media center, gaming device, photo and video camera, document editor, and high-powered computer. Through easy-to-follow instructions and illustrations, iPad Geekery: 50 Insanely Cool Hacks and Mods for Your Apple Tablet teaches you these expert tricks. You'll also find out how to secure your iPad, protect your personal information, and install apps from any source. Get your geek on!

Learn how to:
  • Use your iPad as your home and car stereo
  • Pack your iPad with high-quality music files and share them with others
  • Use your iPad as your backing band, your recording studio, and even fix your off-key singing
  • Watch DVDs, stream videos, and show content on your TV
  • Take captivating photos and make professional-grade films
  • Plug in a keyboard and use your iPad as your main computer
  • Create Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and PDF files
  • Troubleshoot problems and restore your iPad to factory settings
  • Keep your data secure no matter where your iPad goes
  • Connect to your personal or company network
  • Back up, unlock, and jb your iPad

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "iPad Geekery" di Guy Hart Davis, edito da McGraw Hill Education Europe, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 20,09 e come eBook in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 16,17.

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