mercoledì 21 novembre 2012

iPhone: The Missing Manual, 6th Edition

Contenuto del volume:

With the iOS 6 software and the new iPhone 5, Apple has two world-class hits on its hands. This sleek, highly refined pocket computer comes with everything—cellphone, iPod, Internet, camcorder—except a printed manual. Fortunately, David Pogue is back with this expanded edition of his witty, full-color guide: the world’s most popular iPhone book.

The important stuff you need to know:
  • The iPhone 5. This book unearths all the secrets of the newest iPhone. Taller screen, faster chip, 4G LTE Internet, thinner than ever.
  • The iOS 6 software. Older iPhones gain Do Not Disturb, the new Maps app, shared Photo Streams, camera panoramas, smarter Siri, and about 197 more new features. It’s all here.
  • The apps. That catalog of 750,000 add-on programs makes the iPhone’s phone features almost secondary. Now you’ll know how to find, manage, and exploit those apps.

The iPhone may be the world’s coolest computer, but it’s still a computer, with all of a computer’s complexities. iPhone: The Missing Manual is a funny, gorgeously illustrated guide to the tips, shortcuts, and workarounds that will turn you, too, into an iPhone addict.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "iPhone: The Missing Manual, 6th Edition" di David Pogue, edito da O'Reilly Media, Inc, USA, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 16,74 e come eBook in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 10,78.

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