martedì 13 novembre 2012

iPhone 5 Portable Genius

Contenuto del volume:

Make the most of everything your exciting new iPhone 5 has to offer. Now that you have the latest and greatest iPhone, it's time to find all the best and most fun ways to use it.

This quick and handy guide presents all the important stuff you want to know, in a hip, helpful way.

Packed with tips, tricks, and techniques, this edition covers the practical as well as the newest and coolest features, things like iOS 5, Siri, FaceTime video calling, HD video recording, multitasking, and much more.
  • Packs a boatload of tips, tricks, and techniques in a handy size to help you get the most out of your iPhone 5
  • Uses the hip, practical Portable Genius approach, designed to show you the key features that keep your digital lifestyle humming
  • Spotlights innovative ways to complete various tasks and help you save time and hassle
  • Reveals tips and tricks for working with the newest features, including iOS 5, Siri, FaceTime, HD video recording and editing, multitasking, and more

iPhone 5 Portable Genius is an essential accessory to your new iPhone.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "iPhone 5 Portable Genius" di Paul McFedries, edito da John Wiley & Sons Inc, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 16,74 e come eBook in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 14,42 e su iBookstore per iPhone, iPod touch e iPad al prezzo di Euro 15,99.

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