mercoledì 28 novembre 2012

Popular Mac Applications for Seniors: Get Acquainted with the Mac's Applications

Contenuto del volume:

A Mac computer is packaged with many built-in applications and this guide helps adults over the age of 50 get the most out of them. Not only are these applications user-friendly, they are also practical and useful for many everyday tasks.

With easy-to-read large print and numerous screenshots, seniors can quickly learn to use applications such as iPhoto, iMovie, and iTunes, or create their own website with one of the standard templates available in iWeb.

Tips for programs such as Safari and Mail are included to make things such as surfing and e-mailing as easy, safe, and efficient as possible.

The guide also shows how to easily add new apps and organize them as desired, making it a complete course book and the ideal sequel to Mac for Seniors.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Popular Mac Applications for Seniors: Get Acquainted with the Mac's Applications" edito da Visual Steps B.V, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 13,36.

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