domenica 23 dicembre 2012

Building PowerPoint Templates Step by Step with the Experts

Contenuto del volume:

Supercharge your PowerPoint presentations with custom templates and themes!

Want to create presentations that are more consistent and cost-effective? Presentations that fully reflect your branding? Then don’t settle for Microsoft’s “out-of-the-box” templates and themes: create your own! In this easy, hands-on guide, two PowerPoint MVPs teach you every skill and technique you’ll need to build the perfect template–from planning and design, through theme building, custom layouts, colors, and deployment.

Echo Swinford and Julie Terberg have distilled their immense PowerPoint knowledge into simple, step-by-step techniques you can use right now, whether you’re using PowerPoint 2010 or 2007 for Windows, or PowerPoint 2011 for Mac. Well-built templates are the backbone of great presentations—whether building them for your own use or designing for thousands of users, this book will guide you through the process of creating the most effective templates.

Important Note: Upgrading from older versions of PowerPoint, such as PowerPoint 2003? Your old templates may no longer work. This book will help you make the transition painlessly!
  • Plan new templates and themes to maximize their business value for years to come
  • Understand the differences between templates and themes, and how they work together
  • Make better choices about color, fonts, and slide layouts
  • Create efficient templates for individual users, teams, and large organizations
  • Incorporate Notes and Handout Masters into your presentation templates
  • Provide example slides and default settings that lead to better presentations
  • Use Microsoft’s little-known Theme Builder to create effects and background styles
  • Work around hidden quirks in PowerPoint’s advanced template and theme features

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Building PowerPoint Templates Step by Step with the Experts" di Echo Swinford e Julie Terberg, edito da Pearson Education (US), è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 26,61 e come eBook in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 18,71 e su iBookstore per iPhone, iPod touch e iPad al prezzo di Euro 24,99.

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