mercoledì 26 dicembre 2012

Easy Facebook

Contenuto del volume:

See It Done. Do It Yourself. It’s that Easy! Easy Facebook teaches you the fundamentals to help you start sharing with friends and family on Facebook, the Internet’s largest social network. Fully illustrated steps with simple instructions guide you through each task, building the skills you need to perform the most common Facebook tasks. No need to feel intimidated--we’ll hold your hand every step of the way.
  • Join Facebook and create your personal account
  • Find and follow friends online
  • View your friends’ status updates in Facebook’s news feed and ticker
  • Comment on and like friends’ posts
  • Post your own status updates for your friends to read
  • Personalize your timeline profile page
  • Upload and share digital photos and videos
  • Manage your Facebook privacy--and keep some things private

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Easy Facebook" di Michael Miller, edito da Pearson Education (US), è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 16,74 e come eBook in formato Kindle su al prezzo di Euro 11,50 e su iBookstore per iPhone, iPod touch e iPad al prezzo di Euro 14,99.

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