venerdì 28 dicembre 2012

Windows 8 Absolute Beginner's Guide

Contenuto del volume:

Windows 8 Absolute Beginner's Guide is a reference for the beginning Windows 8 user. Examples of the essential tasks every beginner needs to learn covered in this book are:
  • Mandatory tasks, such as logging into and out of Windows and connecting to the Internet
  • Helpful tasks, such as searching for files, getting help, and burning CDs
  • Everyday tasks, such as browsing the Web and updating Twitter and Facebook through 2 new Windows 8 social media add-ins
  • Productivity tasks, such as installing programs and personalizing Windows
  • Protective tasks, such as setting up security, backing up files, and configuring privacy control
  • Fun tasks, such as playing games and organizing photos and music

Related tasks are covered in the same chapter, and related chapters are organized into parts. Each chapter concludes with "The Absolute Minimum" section, which summarizes the key lessons and techniques presented in the chapter. End matter will include 1-2 appendices, one of which may be installation instructions, and a glossary that will be very valuable.

This book will guide the user in a friendly, direct, and patient tone with some levity and real world anecdotes. Each major topic will be introduced with a paragraph or two of explanation. Step-by-step instructions will be provided for most tasks, always for any task requiring more than one step. Most sets of instructions can be presented on just one page. Screenshots play an import role. They help confirm for the reader that they are in the correct spot in Windows, which is a key concern given the lack of familiarity most users will have with Windows 8. Illustrations will be very valuable to demonstrate the touch gestures required by tablets and touch screen peripherals.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Windows 8 Absolute Beginner's Guide" di Paul J. Sanna, edito da Pearson Education (US), è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 16,98.

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