sabato 15 dicembre 2012

MacBook in Easy Steps: Covers OS X Mountain Lion

Contenuto del volume:

MacBook in Easy Steps focuses on mobile computing and contains all of the information necessary to use MacBooks for business and pleasure. The book looks at the specifications and hardware of MacBooks and details how to get up and running with one.

This new edition of MacBook in Easy Steps also covers the MacBook operating system OS X Mountain Lion in detail, including the workhorse areas such as the Dock and the Finder.

In addition it shows how to use the Internet and email, networking, and sharing with family members. In order to get the most out of your MacBook there is also a chapter about using it as a fully mobile device, on the road, in the office, or on vacation.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "MacBook in Easy Steps: Covers OS X Mountain Lion", 3rd Edition, di Nick Vandome, edito da In Easy Steps Limited, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 10,04.

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