sabato 22 dicembre 2012

New Perspectives on Microsoft Windows 8, Brief

Contenuto del volume:

NEW PERSPECTIVES ON MICROSOFT WINDOWS 8 takes a critical-thinking approach to teaching Windows 8 concepts and skills. In addition to in-depth coverage of essential topics, this book also covers some of the coolest new features to the Windows Operating System including Apps, the Charms Bar, mobile computing, and touch screen capabilities.

The New Perspectives Series also has new pedagogical elements to help students with all learning styles absorb key information. The Visual Overview at the beginning of each tutorial gives students a graphic view of the content, as well as a study guide for later use. ProSkill Boxes and Exercises provide students with information and practice on Professional Skills that relate to that tutorial's content. Troubleshoot Exercises provide an opportunity for students to apply their skills in a critical thinking setting.

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "New Perspectives on Microsoft Windows 8, Brief" di June Jamrich Parsons, Dan Oja, Joan Carey, Patrick M Carey e Lisa Ruffolo, edito da Cengage Learning, Inc, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 26,12.

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