martedì 18 dicembre 2012

Windows 8 for Seniors: For Senior Citizens Who Want to Start Using Computers

Contenuto del volume:

The perfect beginner's book for people who want to work with Windows 8
The computer book Windows 8 for SENIORS is a great computer book for senior citizens who want to get started using computers. The book walks you through the basics of the operating system Windows 8 in an easy step-by-step manner. Use this learn-as-you-go book right alongside your computer as you perform the tasks laid out in each chapter. Learn how to use the computer and the mouse and write letters. This book also teaches you how to surf the Internet and send and receive e-mails. Be amazed at how fast you will start having fun with your computer with the new skills and information you will gain!

The book Windows 8 for SENIORS:
  • encourages learning with an easy step-by-step approach
  • has been tested by seniors
  • is based upon practical experience
  • focuses on acquiring practical skills
  • gives detailed background information
  • contains a convenient reference section
  • contains an extensive index

Learn how to work with Windows 8:
  • become comfortable and enjoy using your computer
  • write letters and memos on the computer
  • send and receive messages by e-mail
  • explore the World Wide Web
  • customize your computer settings

Per maggiori informazioni: il volume "Windows 8 for Seniors: For Senior Citizens Who Want to Start Using Computers" edito da Visual Steps B.V, è in vendita anche su al prezzo di Euro 15,37.

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