domenica 30 dicembre 2012

Top 100 Tips for iPad

Contenuto dell'eBook:

This Updated Edition now covers Apple's iOS 6 software update for iPad 2, iPad with Retina display and iPad mini!

Discover the Secrets of the iPad and get up to speed quickly with this straight forward guide, full of practical step-by-step visual instructions. Full color screen shots help you learn visually and quickly become productive.

From the best selling author of the Kindle Fire Tips & Tricks.

Reveal the hidden features of the iPad and impress your friends and co-workers with timesaving techniques that help you work smarter not harder.

About the Author:
Tim Sievers is a Certified Microsoft & Apple support professional. Tim has been using computers since the 1980’s and providing professional technical support since the mid 1990’s.

Per maggiori informazioni: l'eBook "Top 100 Tips for iPad" di Tim Sievers è in vendita su in formato Kindle al prezzo di Euro 1,78.

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